GUI reference
User Manual 1173.9163.02 ─ 62
The source data files (first column), the mapping between physical ports and data file
ports (second column), and the S-parameters to be overwritten (third column) can be
defined during
. The text box below the table shows the full path to the data
file of the selected row.
Precedence of S-parameter imports
If the same VNA S-parameter is overwritten in several rows, the highest positioned row
takes precedence. The resulting overwrites of the channel-specific/setup-specific/
global simulation data are summarized in the
Resulting S Matrix Overview tab
Performance aspects
Loading additional simulation data from many (> 5) different files can slow down the
firmware significantly. To keep the number of files as low as possible, the
function allows you to export the resulting VNA S-Matrix into a single Touchstone file.
You can then delete all additional inputs and load this file as channel- or setup-specific
simulation data instead (see
Allows you to import S-parameter traces from additional Touchstone files into the active
channel's simulation data (globally defined, or set using
"Add" puts them at the end of the import definition table, "Insert" at the position below
the currently selected row. Note that the order of rows is significant (see
In both cases, the import proceeds in three steps.
Step 1: Load simulation data ← Add/Insert
The "Load Simulation Data" dialog, which is opened on "Add"/"Insert", allows you to
select the Touchstone file from which you want to import additional simulation data.
By selecting "Open", you proceed to
Step 2: Assign alias ports from file
, "Cancel" dis-
cards the import definition.
Step 2: Assign alias ports from file ← Add/Insert
The "Assign Alias Ports from File" dialog allows you to select the physical VNA ports
whose simulated S-parameter data you want to overwrite ("Enabled"), and their related
ports in the selected data file ("Alias File Port").
File softtool