The greater-
than sign (―
‖) indicates the currently mounted disk in the drive in the
right-hand column. You can select multiple disks for the drive, and rotate through
them with the optional remote pushbutton attachment.
The current disk mounted in the Disk II drive (as noted with the greater-
than sign (―
may also be selected by highlighting the desired image in the right-hand column and
pressing the Return key.
Depending on whether the disk images came from the USB or CF drive, there will be
a letter ‗
‘ or ‗
‘ to signify the location of the image file.
You cannot assign the same image to more than one drive at once.
c. When assigning an image to the SmartPort, pressing the Return key on the highlighted
image will mount it:
Figure 3: Pressing Return to assign a disk image to the SmartPort.
If you have both a CF card and a USB drive inserted, pressing the space bar will
switch the left-hand column to alternately display CF and USB file listings.
Depending on whether the disk images came from the USB or CF drive, there will be
a letter ‗u‘ or ‗c‘ to signify the location of the image file.
You cannot assign the same image to more than one drive at once.
10. To boot the Apple II using the disk images you have selected, press Ctrl-B from within the disk
selection menu or select the
―Boot (Reboot)‖ menu item at the bottom of the main menu.