In ALL PC-board assembly steps, our word "INSTALL" means to do this:
Insert the part, oriented or "pointed" correctly, into its holes in the PC
If helpful, gently BEND the part's wire leads or tabs to hold it in place,
with the body of the part snugly against the top side ("component side")
of the circuit board.
Solder ALL wires or pins of the part.
Trim or "nip" all excess wire lengths extending beyond each solder
connection, taking care that wire trimmings do not become lodged in
solder connections.
You can see that this circuit board, the center portion in particular, is fairly
well-filled with components. There's more to this receiver than the average
beginner's radio or even our popular Amateur Band receivers.
Follow the assembly instructions IN SEQUENCE and check off each step as
understood and completed. Some of the components require modification!
Examine the schematic circuit diagram and PC Board parts layout diagram
as you proceed.
Use good soldering techniques! Let your soldering iron tip heat both the
component lead wire and PC board trace enough so that the wire itself AND
the foil trace BOTH become hot enough TOGETHER to melt a bit of solder
so that it flows smoothly from the pin to the PC board trace.
Enough said... Let’s get building!
1. Install S1, the DPDT push button switch. Ensure that the white
plastic switch extends out over the edge of the PC board and that the
switch is flush to the board. Solder all six pins.
2. Install one of the 10K PC mount potentiometers, R14. Be sure it is
seated flush to the PC board, then solder all 5 pins.
3. Install the other 10K PC mount pot, R21. Take care to seat it
properly before soldering the 5 pins.
4. Install J1, the RCA jack. You will want to check your placement
before soldering and be sure to solder all 4 tabs.