1. Pick the correct component with the proper value to start with.
2. Insert it into the correct PC board location.
3. Orient it correctly, following the PC board drawing and the written
directions for all parts - especially when there's a right way
and a wrong way to solder it in. (Diode bands, electrolytic
capacitor polarity, transistor shapes, dotted or notched ends
of IC's, and so forth.)
4. Solder all connections unless directed otherwise. Use enough heat
and solder flow for clean, shiny, completed connections.
5. Trim or nip the excess component lead wire after soldering.
Enough of that ... let’s get started!
Although we know that you are anxious to complete the assembly of your an-
tenna kit, it is necessary to assemble it in a specific order to insure the proper
operation of the finished unit. Try to avoid the urge to jump ahead installing
Since you may appreciate some warm-up soldering practice we’ll start with the
SMT resistors; we packed extras should you need them! Remember that the
majority of the components will be mounted on the component side of the
circuit board and soldered on the “top” side of the circuit board, the side that
contains the printed circuit traces. Have a look at the component layout
diagram to help with your assembly.
Use the boxes to check off your progress.
Check all received parts against the parts list. The parts list describes the vari-
ous markings that may be found on the kit parts. Carefully sort the parts into
small piles, (an empty egg tray does nicely for this purpose) to aid in finding
the correct part at the required time. Some extra SMT parts have been in-
cluded should you have an accident with one of them!
First we will assemble the preamplifier portion of the circuit. Have a careful
look at the parts placement diagram before proceeding to verify the position of
the components.
1. Noting the surface mount installation instructions, install resistors R1-
R3 the 220 ohm resistors (marked 221). These resistors are connected in
parallel, so it will appear that they are “bridged” together (R4 is not used).