Here’s where we separate the folks with test equipment from the folks who
don’t have any. Either way your AR2 will receive the entire aircraft band quite
nicely but if you’ve spent money on a signal generator we’re pretty sure you
want to get some use out of it.
Regular Tuning Mode:
Without a signal source to work with you’ll have to tune in a frequency and
adjust C48 as best you can. It’s not critical; you’ll still receive signals quite
nicely if you don't adjust it but it may make them clearer if you do. Turn the
squelch pot clockwise slightly so that you’re not hearing all that static, then
wait for a signal that the AR2 can lock onto. If they’re from a passing plane
they’ll tend to be brief so be prepared for that. When the AR2 is locked onto a
signal simply take a tuning tool and adjust C48 for the clearest sounding
audio. It’s as simple as that.
Signal Generator Mode:
Set your generator to your desired frequency within the aircraft band,
117.975 MHz to 137.000 MHz.
Set the generator level to approximately –100 dBm output, 100% AM
modulation, 1 kHz tone.
Connect a BNC cable from the output of your generator to the antenna
input on the AR2.
Turn the squelch knob clockwise until the static just goes away.
Tune the AR2 to the same frequency as the generator.
You should be receiving the signal and hearing the 1 kHz tone.
Take a tuning tool and turn C48 until the signal is clearest.
That’s it!
You’re now ready to use your AR2, but you may want to familiarize yourself
with some of the controls on the next couple of pages. You can simply let the
AR2 scan until it locks onto something or you can set up the channels it will
scan . . . it’s all up to you.