Press Brake Pedal Delayed
This messages appears when the key is first turned
ON, if the brake pedal is not depressed and/or the
gear selector is not in NEUTRAL (N). The gear se-
lector must be in the NEUTRAL (N) position, and
the brake pedal must be pressed, to allow engine
cranking. Place the gear selector in NEUTRAL (N)
and apply the brake pedal BEFORE turning the key
to the START/AVV position; otherwise, the engine
will not crank and the key must be cycled OFF,
then back on, before cranking is allowed.
Gear Not Available
This message appears, along with a warning buzzer:
When it is not possible to change gear due to a
fault in the system.
When, due a fault in the system, it is only possible
to engage 1st (1), 2nd (2), 3rd (3) or reverse (R).
Contact your authorized dealer if the message con-
tinues to appear.
Shift Not Allowed
This message appears, together with a warning
buzzer, when the system will not allow a gear
change requested by the driver (for example, that
would cause engine overspeed or transmission
This message may also appear when starting the
engine at low temperature. In this case the Auto-
mated Manual transmission isn't able to engage
first gear, in this situation either use the engine
block heater or allow the engine to idle in NEU-
TRAL (N) until the transmission has warmed.
Press Brake Pedal And Try
This message appears accompanied, in some
cases, by a warning buzzer, if you attempt to
change gear with the vehicle parked without press-
ing the brake pedal.
To shift the transmission (with key on/engine off),
press and hold the brake pedal, move the gear se-
lector to NEUTRAL (N), then move the gear selec-
tor to the desired position.
Shift To Neutral
This message appears, together with a warning
buzzer, when the gear selector must be moved to
the NEUTRAL (N) position.
When the gear selector is moved to NEUTRAL (N)
the message on the display should go off.
Contact your authorized dealer if the message con-
tinues to appear.
Press Brake Pedal
This message is shown in the display together with
an acoustic signal, when the brake pedal is not
pressed during a starting attempt.