End of line termination
When the WCM-D is at the end of
line position and NOT connected to
a RAK-STAR a 120 Ohm resistor
termination is required. This is
provided with the WCM-D. The
resistor is placed between the Blue
and the Blue/White.
Star termination
When used in conjunction with a
RAK-STAR a STAR termination is
required at the end of line of each
leg. WCM-Ds with two sets of cables
should ALWAYS be “Unterm”.
It should be wired as shown (the
green pair is connected to the blue
terminals together with the blue pair).
See RAK-LINK and RAK-STAR user manual for further information on when to use each
Setting up the WCM-D
First open Rasoft Pro and ensure a WK-HUB or WA/WTC-Bridge is successfully
connected (see wired programming guide for details).
Short between the “setup” and “common” input for 3 or 4 seconds (when the
WCM-D successfully enters set-up mode the LED will begin to blink).
If the installation is correct a pop up box will appear in Rasoft Pro. If no pop up box
appears there is most likely an error in the wiring of the Rako Wired Network.
Enter a suitable name and assign the local room.
Manual Version 2.0.0