Terminating the WCM
It is important to terminate WCMs correctly otherwise the wired
system will not function. The termination that is required depends
on the nature of the installation and the position of the RAK-LINK
within the system.
No Term - Both Jumpers removed
Used when the WCM is not at the end of line. This is usually
identifiable by two cables being punched down to the WCM.
Term - Jumper fitted across 1+2 & 4+5
Used when the WCM is end of line in a daisy chain configuration.
For example the WCM marked “TERM” shown in “Typical Wired
Installation layout” on page one.
Star Term - Jumper fitted across 2+3 & 5+6
Used when the WCM is end of line in a STAR wire configuration.
For the example the WCMs marked “STAR TERM” on page one.
Programming the WCM
The WCM is programmed using the Rasoft Pro programming software. A WA/WTC-Bridge
is required for any programming of a wired system.
Wired system Programming Guide
- For information on how to programme the wired system
using Rasoft Pro.
Troubleshooting the Wired Network
Sometimes cabling problems or incorrectly punched down cables means a degree of fault
finding needs to be done on the wired network. The WCMs use backlit LEDs to provide fault
codes and this can be used in combination with the guides below to resolve problems.
WCM Diagnostic Feedback
- For fault finding “Daisy Chain” and “Star” configuration.
RAK-LINK diagnostics
- For fault finding “Daisy Chain” and “Star” configuration.
RAK-STAR diagnostics
- For fault finding “Star” configuration.
Manual Version 2.0.2