Just wait. When the burning process completed, this page will disappear automatically
and you needn’t to do anything.
OK, that’s all about how to burn the firmware for RAK5010.
3. How to upgrade the firmware for RAK5010
through DFU over BLE?
First of all, you should get a DFU package of RAK5010 from RAK website:
or compile a customized one by yourself using RAK online compiler:
Then, make sure that you have installed the mobile APP named “nRF Connect” or ““nRF
Master Control Panel (BLE)”” which is developed by Nordicsemi company.
If you have prepared the above things, we can start to upgrade firmware for RAK5010
through DFU over BLE.
Open the Nordic APP to scan BLE signal, if you have just reset RAK5010, you could find
its BLE signal named “RUI-…” in 60 seconds.
(Why in 60 seconds? Please have a look at the section 8 of this document.)