3. Use of MINI Biotoilet - general about compost litter
MINI Biotoilet uses compost litter to remove moisture, achie the
right carbonnitrogen ratio and ensure airiness in the composting.
We recommend using DryMix compost litter. Peat-wood chip
mixture and other custom-made substances can also be used in
MINI Biotoilet.
If desired, dryed tree leaves, sawdust, chips, etc. can be used.
When using other materials, care and capacity may vary from
Measures before starting to use (en after emptying)
Place 3 cm of compost litter on the bottom of the composting
If you use a compost litter other than DryMix, make sure that a
sufficiently coarse material enters the bottom to prent the litter
from leaking into the liquid compartment.
You can use a biodegradable plastic bag (3) in the lower container.
SEP Models with inner bag can also be used without composting
MINI Biotoilet