18 (19)
Controll, service, to clean the filters
It pays to check the BioBox M filter's condition at regular intervals by lifting the lid and checking the growth of sludge and
mucus on the filter surface and how high the water surface has been inside the filters. After 200 days of use, this
measure should be taken once a week.
If there is an indication that the water surface has been up (1), there are signs that the water does not pass sufficiently
good filter elements. Filter elements must be cleaned of overgrowth of mucus and microbes.
BioBox M's filter elements are lifted (1) and cleaned by (2) brushing or scraping the plant from elements directly into a
compost. The first compartment is cleaned of grease which can also be composted. Filter elements must be replaced
after about 10-15 years of use. The used filter elements can be treated as combustible waste
If the BioBox M cleaner has extra pre-treatment with a sludge separator, it must be emptied of sludge and grease at least
once a year. The smaller sludge separators (100 and 250 l, which are open from above) can be emptied with a scoop of
grease (which is composted).
(100 and 250 l, which are open from above)
Content of the delivery, accessories
Installation posibilities
Use, generally
Controll, service, to clean the filters
BioBio M