RC3000-15 (P100R001) Hardware Description
8 Voice cards
Raisecom Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Raisecom Technology Co., Ltd.
The Tx (D/A) gain ranges from -17 to 8 dB. The default
value is controlled by an internal jumper. Its step is 0.1 dB.
Frequency distortion
300–3000 Hz; < 0.5 dB
3000–3400 Hz; < 3.0 dB
Total distortion (1020
0 to -30 dBm0; < 33 dB
-30 to -40 dBm0; < (33–22) dB
-40 to -45 dBm0; < 22 dB
Gain change according to
+3 to -40 dBm0; ∆ < 0.5 dB
-40 to -50 dBm0; ∆ < 1.0 dB
-50 to -55 dBm0; ∆ < 3.0 dB
Degree of unbalance
about earth
300–600 Hz: > 40 dB
600–2400 Hz: > 46 dB
2400–3400 Hz: > 41 dB
Idle channel noise
< -67 dBm0p
Feeding voltage (on-
Typical -48 V
Feeding current
Typical 20 mA
Ringing voltage
Typical 60 V/30 Hz
Return loss
300–600 Hz: > 12 dB
600–3400 Hz: > 15 dB
Interface PINs
Figure 8-3 shows the interface PINs of the interface on the E&M. Table 8-27 lists PIN
definitions of the interface on the E&M.
Figure 8-3
Interface PINs of the interface on the E&M