8-Lite Plus Manual
Revision 1 - Printed
April 10, 1997
The Gel String is fitted from the front of the unit. This allows the RCC to be loaded
without removing from the unit, or laid on the bench. Access is easy by removing the
interchangeable front housing. The PlusCard has position and speed control for
simple loading without the need for a console or control signal. The gel string is fitted
and calibrated using the PlusCard as follows:
1. The 8-lite RCC should be powered up.
2. Remove front cover by pressing side catches in and slide the front housing up.
3. Set Mode switch to F, and the Frames to 2.The rolls will position themselves to
the zero position. Once the rolls have stopped, set the Frames switch to 0.
4. The 8 Lite Rainbow is trimmable between two and sixteen colours using the
Range Trim 15 turn potentiometer on the front of the analog pcb. The RCC is
factory trimmed to 11 colours.
5.. Lay the colour across the red roller and tape the leading edge of frame zero to
the Blue roller. Line up the edge of the filter with the marked line on the scroll.
6. Holding the filter loosely, set the Mode switch to D. The frames switch controls
the loading speed (0=Stop to 3= Fast). Set the Frames setting to 1 and the filter
will load onto the blue roll, using the red roll as a guide. Regulate the speed using
the Frame selector. At the end, one of the following will occur:
If the unit is under trimmed:
The RCC will stop at full before the filter has
been fully loaded on the blue roll. Turn the RANGE TRIM potentiometer
clockwise to wind the extra filter onto the blue roll.
If the unit is over trimmed:
The RCC will try to wind on more filter than
there is on the roll. At the last frame, stop the RCC by setting the Frame
selector to 0. Turn the Range trim anti-clockwise to pay out more filter and then
use the Frame control to wind the filter onto the roll. Repeat until the last frame
is wound on to the roll.
7. Apply a small amount of tension to the scroll. This is performed by pushing and
turning the gold inner knob anticlockwise whilst holding the Black outer knob.
8. Move the scroll back to the zero point by setting the Mode to F and controlling
the speed on the Frames switch.
9. Set the zero position, by pushing the Gold and Black knobs together and
positioning the seam between Frames 0 and 1 to align to the outer edge of the
10. Set the scroll tension further by pushing the gold inner knob anticlockwise
whilst holding the Black outer knob. The correct scroll tension varies with
different scroll lengths and it is best to recheck scroll tension at 50% when the
scroller has been set. (This can be done by setting the Mode to E, the address
to 050, and controlling the speed on the frames selector). Approximately 6
turns will give the correct tension for a 11 colour scroll.