Raider Operators Manual R40ES-001-15-1
Reach inside the cowling cover. On one side you will find a rope with handle; on the other
side of the cowling you will find a tool that allows the removal of the pull starter.
Use the special service tool to remove the three screws retaining the starter housing.
Lift the pull starter assembly from engine.
Take stored starter rope and wind on the engine flywheel with the knot end
in the grove.
If starter cord is missing or gets broken, it might not be long enough to use
as an emergency starter cord. If in you need an additional rope cut cord
from starter assembly.
Tie a knot to one end of cord. Place knot in the notch on top of flywheel. Wrap cord around
flywheel clockwise as shown.
Follow Normal Starting Procedure.
In your emergency kit you will find tools that will be
required to get engine running. If pull start rope
breaks; electric start does not function; remove three
bolts on pull start unit and remove unit. You will see
flywheel (shown). Tie knot in rope; insert in slot;
Wrap rope around unit and pull until engine starts.
r. Pre-Submersion Procedure
To prevent water intrusion on electronics during submersion:
1. Make sure the inside of all electrical connectors are thoroughly connected.
2. Insure the de-watering valves lever is closed
3. Insure battery is fully charged and re-connected correctly.
4. Insure fuel bladder if fully filled
with 50:1 oil mix and cap tightened.
5. Connect fuel line and pump primer bulb until firm resistance is felt to fill fuel system.
6. If JP-5/8 or heavy fuel insure fuel additive is placed in bladder along with 50:1 mix.
7. Insure the four procedures
for heavy fuel have been moved to “green”