Charge the battery using original charger instead of charger of other brands or models
Please charge the battery at 0
in a well-ventilated place and keep off combustibles
Charging time: Do not charge the battery for more than 12h; otherwise, the battery life will be affected and a potential
safety hazard will be caused
The battery capacity will rise quickly in the early charging process and then slow down, which is a normal procedure to
ensure safety
Do not charge the battery outdoors in severe weather
If the surface temperature of the battery box is very high (higher than 55
) in the charging process, it indicates that the
battery box breaks down and should be immediately powered off and sent to the designated repair station. It is normal
that the charger box is slightly hot (no more than 60
) in the charging process
7.3 Charging Environment
After the battery is installed, the battery capacity will be slowly consumed when the electric bicycle runs. The fully charged battery can be placed for no more
than two months and it is normal that the instrument displays a drop of battery capacity
When the battery is left unused for a long time (more than a month), please be sure to remove it from the electric bicycle and charge the battery to
half-saturated state (after fully discharged, charge the battery for 1.5-2h using charger). Then, store the battery in a cool and dry place (the optimal
temperature is 5
) and charge it for about 3h every two months
The battery and the charger should be stored in clean, dry and well-ventilated place and far away from corrosive substances, ignition and heat sources (no
less than 2m) and combustibles and they should be disconnected
The optimal battery capacity is 50%. If the battery is stored for a long time when the capacity is lower than 10% or higher than 90%, the capacity will decrease
Do not store the battery in a high place, since drop may cause uncontrollable internal damage, leakage, heat, smoke, fire or explosion to battery
The electric vehicle and battery should be protected from rain, ice, snow and chemical substance when used and stored and must not be washed with water
to avoid an accident potential caused by wetting of internal electronic parts and circuits
7.4 Storage Environment