Discoverable mode / Pairing mode:
GREEN - Blinks twice every 0.5 sec.
Bluetooth Connected:
GREEN - Blinks once every 3 sec.
Incoming Call:
BLUE - Blinks 3 times every 2 sec.
Outgoing Call:
BLUE - Blinks 3 times every 2 sec.
Active Call:
BLUE - Slowly blinks once every 3 sec.
Bluetooth Playback:
GREEN - Slowly blinks once every 3 sec.
USB Playback:
GREEN - Slowly blinks once every 3 sec.
Battery Low:
RED - Maintains the regular LED pattern. The LED-off phase changes to
RED - Maintains the regular LED pattern. The LED-off phase changes to RED.
Charging Complete:
GREEN - Maintains the regular LED pattern. The LED-off phase
changes to GREEN.
(Ex. LED changes during Bluetooth playback:
GREEN LED slowly on - LED Off repeats every 3 seconds.
LED changes during Bluetooth playback while battery low state:
GREEN LED slowly on - RED LED repeats every 3 seconds.