©2014 DEKIST Co., Ltd. Rev. 1.2
4. Operating
4.1 Data Logging In Local PC
UA10, UA11 device can be connected to Local PC via USB port directly. The Tapaculo software supported
up to 16 devices. If you have several device and shortage of USB ports, you can add normal USB hub
device. All the data will be stored in Local PC hard disk via Tapaculo lite.
4.2 Data Logging In Remote PC
UA10,UA11 devices can send data to remote PC using RN171(Ethernet),RN171(WIFI). RN171, RN172
transmitter can be purchased separately. For more information of Ethernet or WIFI, please refer to the
RN171 manual or web site.
5.USB Console Commands
UA10-CHS, UA11-CTS are recognized as a COM serial port in MS windows. For advanced usage or other
application, user can directly access UA10, UA11 devices. Below table have some commands that similar
to AT commands.
Check Physical Connection
Request Current Data Value.
ATCD 1.0,-20.1\r\n
ATCD 49.3,10.4\r\n
ATCD -21.1,-22.0\r\n
Request Product Serial Number
ATCMODEL 12345678\r\n
Request Product Version.
ATCVER UA10_1v0\r\n
ATCVER UA11_1v1\r\n
ATCOFF1 0.49\n
Set Offset for Channel 1
ATCOFF1 0.49\r\n