RadioLink Electronic Limited
Chapter 3 Get Ready to Flight
3.1 Motor Installation
To make the aircraft fly, motors usually rotate clockwise (CW)/counterclockwise (CCW) with the propellers. The
rotation direction of F121 Pro motors can be identified by the cable colors. That is, motor with red and blue wire
means motor of clockwise (CW) while with black and white wire means that of counterclockwise (CCW). It is very
important to make sure about the rotation direction as below when installing motors. Otherwise, the drone would
fail to take off.
* Motors installation can be skipped as the whole F121 Pro is already assembled by factory default. If any of the
motors is worn out and needs to be replaced, it’s essential to identify the correct motor rotation.
Roll stick to left, F121 Pro fly to the left side
Roll stick to right, F121 Pro fly to the right