IMPORTANT: Once you have reconfigured the USB repeater and it reboots, the default
signal name will disappear and the new name and password you applied will appear in
your phone or laptop’s WiFi signal utility on your device. The name will appear in the
list. You must connect back to the new name of the repeater and enter the WiFi password
you assigned, to gain access to your newly configured hotspot. This step is important,
because your USB repeater will now have Internet if done correctly.
Once you leave the RV park or marina you had internet at, the RadioLabs antenna and
USB repeater will lose signal. The usb repeater will once again automatically display the
pop-up window next time you go to use it. It will sense it lost connection and will again
display the automatic pop-up splash page so you can reconnect to another WiFi hotspot
next time you need internet. If it does not show this splash page, again, simply open a
browser window and enter the configuration IP address discussed above. The IP address must be entered into the browser if the setup screen doesn’t pop up
automatically. Some computers and devices have pop-up blockers, disabling our
automatic setup screen and requires you enter the device’s IP address to gain access.
Resetting: Sometimes, configuration errors occur, or customers forget their WiFi or login
passwords. If this ever happens, RadioLabs has a reset button on the back (bottom) of the USB
Repeater. Simply grab a small object like a toothpick or a paper clip, and gently press and hold
the reset button for 15-30 seconds, or until the lights on top of the usb repeater all turn on, or
change. You will see a variant of this occur so be patient and allow the lights to all come on.
Once you see a change in the lights, release pressure on the soft-touch reset and the USB repeater
will go back to factory default settings. You can then proceed with the instructions at step 1 of
these instructions.
Problem: When connecting to the USB repeater’s default signal, a pop-up screen doesn’t
automatically come up as described. Solution: Simply open up a browser window and
enter the IP address for the device, “ into the ADDRESS BAR of the
browser. Not a search box.
Problem: Slow Download or internet speeds. Solution: Due to the large amount of WiFi
signals and high performance receiver and transmitter that RadioLabs WiFi antennas
achieve, sometimes there are multiple signals displayed simultaneously. Our antennas can
pick up signals from many miles away. Due to the fact there’s only 11 WiFi channels
broadcast in the WiFi band, these channels are overlapping and sometimes there may be
10 or more signals on one channel. Sometimes the signal you’re trying to connect to, is
very far away, and there are other WiFi routers or access points on the same channel,
with stronger signal strength received by our antenna. RadioLabs cannot do anything
specifically about this issue, as the WiFi band is in use by everyone, not just that specific
RV park or Marine or public hotspot you’re trying to connect to. If the access point
you’re trying to connect to is your own, simply observe the channel it is on, then modify
your own router or WiFi signal to a different channel, so this interference is eliminated.
The WiFi channels can and will overlap each other, by 2-3 channels. It is best if multiple
access points are available, select the one that is on the cleanest channel, with little to no
interfering WiFi hotspots to either side. Example. If you’re in an RV park and you have