Embedded Wireless Solutions
RC1xx0 / 2x00DK
2008 Radiocrafts AS RC1xx0 / 2x00DK Demonstration Kit version 3.0 User Manual (rev. 3.1)
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Quick Start Guide
How do I set up a simple link between the boards?
To do a basic communication test, do like this for each of the Demonstration Boards:
Attach the antenna to the SMA connector
Connect the RS232 port to a PC
Start a terminal program on the PC (like Microsoft HyperTerminal). Make sure to
select the correct serial port, set data rate 19200, 1 start bit, no parity, 1 stop bit, no
flow control.
Connect the battery eliminator plug to the DC jack. Put the battery eliminator in the
wall outlet socket.
The module will now be in idle mode listening for a valid data packet to arrive.
Now you can enter data in one terminal window and after approximately 2 seconds timeout,
the ASCII string is transmitted to the other module and shown in the other terminal window if
the transmission was successful.
How do I go on and change the RF channel or any other parameter?
To change configurable parameters, assert the CONFIG pin (pulling low by pressing
CONFIG-button, see Figure 1), and send the command string using the same serial interface
as for transmitting data. Parameters can be changed permanently and stored in non-volatile
memory in the module. The details for this you should look up in the RC232 User Manual.
The best way to use the configuration interface of the module is to use a terminal program
that provides the possibility to send and receive binary / hexadecimal numbers, and not only
ASCII characters.