Page 13 of 27 Subject: S-100 – Rudder Angle Indicator - Manual
Date & Revision: 24 September 2009 Rev 00
K1/4 and K1/5 NMEA input.
Here the NMEA input signal can be connected. This is used for making
adjustments in the settings menu of the S-100. When the sensor is placed in a
Falcon network, it will be possible to connect it to a Falcon D1000 panel or the
NMEA output of a MultiHUB. If the sensor is not connected to a Falcon network,
then this connection will be used to connect to a PC. This makes it possible to
adjust the settings of the S-100. The NMEA input is galvanic separated from the
other electronics.
K1/6 and K1/7 NMEA output.
By means of this connector the NMEA output will be distributed throughout the
further network. The S-100 rudder angle indicator will send an RSA message 10
times per second. The outputs is not galvanically separated.
K1/8 and K1/9 Analog output.
Through this connector the rudder angle information will be distributed as an
analog value of -10V to +10V DC, depending on the rudder angle. This analog
output is galvanic separated from the other electronics. And has an output
impedance of 550