R a d i o S y s t e m s , I n c .
D A - 2 / 4 x 4 b M a n u a l
5 / 0 7
P a g e 5
down any source.
Because the unit is actually four separate 1 input x 4 output amplifiers, internal
jumpers JU3 and JU4 allow for the following configurations:
1 input x 8 outputs (stereo)
4 inputs x 4 outputs (mono)
2 inputs x 4 outputs (stereo)
Additionally, by wiring the inputs in parallel, the following configuration is possible:
1 input x 16 output (mono)
Refer to the connection diagram on the following page for details.
AC line voltage is user selectable from the lid of the cabinet by inserting a thin
shafted screw driver through the vent holes to move the red line voltage selector
switch to the left for 230V operation, and to the right for 110V operation (factory