When the transceiver beeps
about 3 to 4 seconds after you
turn it on or each time you release
PUSH TO TALK, recharge the
battery pack.
• A nickel-cadmium battery
pack lasts longer and delivers
more power if you occasion-
ally let it fully discharge. To
do this, use the transceiver
until it beeps when you
release PUSH TO TALK.
• To prevent damaging a
nickel-cadmium battery pack,
never charge it in an area
where the temperature is
above 113°F (45°C) or below
32°F (0°C).
Important: At the end of a re-
chargeable battery pack’s useful
life, it must be recycled or dis-
posed of properly. Contact your
local, county, or state hazardous
waste management authorities for
information on recycling or dis-
posal programs in your area.
Some options that might be avail-
able are: municipal curb-side col-
lection, drop-off boxes at retailers
such as your local RadioShack
store, recycling collection cen-
ters, and mail-back programs.
Connecting the Antenna
Caution: Always connect the sup-
plied antenna to the transceiver
before you use it.
Thread the supplied flexible an-
tenna clockwise into the top of
the transceiver to attach it, or
counterclockwise to remove it.
19-1217.fm Page 14 Tuesday, August 3, 1999 1:18 PM