ADV0801 Owner’s Manual Draft
Frequency must be set to match the frequency of the transmitter you want to scan or monitor,
and the MODE should be set to AU, or, if desired, AM, FM or NFM. Note that the scanner will
automatically select the default mode based on the frequency you enter when MODE is set for
AUto. In most cases it will not be necessary to change this.
We also recommend that you label your CONV object by giving it a name in the TAG field. This
will make it easier for you to find the CONV object later, and identify it when the scanner stops
to monitor activity. Enter your CONV object by following these steps.
As we mentioned above, a brand new radio will launch into Program Mode when it is first
turned on, which allows for creation and editing of Scannable Objects. If this is the first time
you have turned on your radio, you should see these softkey labels at the bottom of your screen:
If not, press PGM (Program) now.
Press the NEW softkey to begin entry of a new object.
Press the CONV softkey to begin entry of a CONVentional Channel object.
Now, take a moment and study the display. You will notice that the
icon is active. Its purpose
is to indicate that you are at the very top position of the menu for a conventional channel object,
and there are more parameters that can be accessed if you scroll down. We also see three new
Save Exit Dflt
The Save softkey will save your new CONV object to the file system when pressed (but don’t
press it yet!). The Exit softkey aborts the creation of the new CONV object, and the Dflt softkey
restores the selected CONV menu parameter to its default setting.
If you press the v key on the bottom of the 5-way pushbutton pad, you can scroll down and see
all of the parameters that can be specified for a CONV object. Go ahead and take a peek - then
scroll back to the very top of the display so you can begin entering information for your first
CONV object.
HINT: Pressing FUNC ^ or FUNC v will jump to the top or bottom of a menu, respectively.
Note that as you scroll both the upward and downward scroll indicators will illuminate to
indicate that there are parameters above and below the current cursor position, until you get to
the very end of the menu, where only the upward scroll indicator will be on to indicate that
there are no more parameters below the current cursor position. Also note that a few lines of
context sensitive help are available for each menu item. To see the help text for a menu item,
press FUNC, then press SEL on the 5-way pushbutton pad. To exit help, press SEL again.
As you scroll the object menu, you will see a line that states: