Radijator TKAN Series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 56




Radijator Inženjering d.o.o, 36000 Kraljevo, Živojina Lazića - Solunca br.6, Srbija  

tel. +381 36 399 140, fax. +381 36 399 150, http://www.radijator.rs 

e-mail: [email protected] 


4. The cross-section of the TKAN boiler with the description of elements 





Picture 6 - The cross-section of the TKAN boiler 




Door for firing and ignition 



Door for cleaning the pipe exchanger and the boiler itself 






Cast iron segments 



Lower axle of the screw conveyor 



Upper axle of the screw conveyor 



Cellular dispenser/doser (valve) 



Pipe exchanger 






 Automatic controls system  



 Thermal safety exchanger 


Содержание TKAN Series

Страница 1: ...Kotao na BIOMASU BIOMASS BOILER SERIJA SERIES TKAN 60 300kW INSTRUKCIJE INSTRUCTIONS Monta a kori enje i odr avanje kotla Installation use and maintenance of the boiler...

Страница 2: ...99 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Sadr aj 1 Va na upozorenja 2 Opis kotla 3 Monta a Op ta upozorenja Kotlarnica Priklju enje na dimnjak 4 Presek TKAN kotla sa opisom elemenata...

Страница 3: ...m od 90 C i radnim pritiskom ve im od 3 bara Zabranjeno je kori enje lako zapaljivh goriva alkohol nafta radi br eg paljenja drveta Zabranjeno je odlaganje lako zapaljivih materijala u blizini kotla i...

Страница 4: ...ih materijala je propisana zakonom molimo da se o tome raspitate kod stru nih lica koja se bave grejanjem i dimni ara Minimalna udaljenost kotla i cevi za odvod dimnih gasova od slabo i prose no goriv...

Страница 5: ...pela ote ano Zaklju ak je da ih i ne treba upotrebljavati za sagorevanje velikih koli ina drveta ve samo za par dana U tim situacijama treba koristiti titnike lo i ta kao i titnike pu eva za i enje pe...

Страница 6: ...aju potrebe vrlo je lako demontirati ceo sklop u tri nezavisne celine silos sl 1 poz 4 mehanizam za nalaganje sl 1 poz 3 i kotao sa lo i tem sl 1 poz 1 i 2 Kod lo i ta se izdvaja poseban sklop POLUAU...

Страница 7: ...o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Slika 1 Prikaz demonta nih celina kotla Slika 2 Standar...

Страница 8: ...oli ina peleta koja staje u silosu mm liters kg TKAN 80 606 1020 1736 290 180 TKAN 100 810 1176 1611 305 190 TKAN 150 1010 1456 1875 680 410 TKAN 200 250 300 1394 1830 1822 1600 1000 1394 1830 2130 23...

Страница 9: ...da ugroze ljudski ivot strujnim udarom Pre pu tanja kotla u rad proveriti da li je smer motora mehanizma za transport peleta takav da obezbe uje dotok peleta u lo i te Tako e ako se u slu aju nestanka...

Страница 10: ...preporu uje otvoreni sistem grejanja Kotao mora da se nalazi na sigurnoj udaljenosti od lako zapaljivih materijala Elektri no napajanje kotla je 3x380V izuzev za TKAN 80 i 50Hz i priklju enje svih ure...

Страница 11: ...e strane kotla potrebno je omogu iti lako otvaranje svih vrata i eventualno omogu iti ugra ivanjepneumatskog i enja Slika 3 Pozicioniranje kotla u kotlarnici Tabela 2 Pozicioniranje kotla u kotlarnici...

Страница 12: ...rokuje vi e problema u radu kotla Glavni problem je nemogu nost postizanja visokih temperature izlazne vode tj ne postizanje maksimalne snage to dovodi do kondezovanja u kotlu Uzeti u obzir neophodan...

Страница 13: ...joptimalnije postavljanje kotla na dimnja u je takvo da prava koja spaja centar izlaza dimnih gasova iz kotla i centar priklju enja na dimnjak bude u blagom usponu do 3 pogledati sliku 4 Slika 4 Prika...

Страница 14: ...nji od 12 I ako je ugao kroba ve i od 12 Za ugao manji od 12 visina dimnjaka iznad krova je 1m a za ugao ve i od 12 pogledati sliku 5 Slika 5 Visina dimnjaka Ukoliko mislite da je dimnjak prejak i da...

Страница 15: ...jator rs 4 Presek TKAN kotla sa opisom elemenata Slika 6 Presek kotla TKAN 1 Vrata za lo enje i potpalu 2 Vrata za i enje cevnog izmenjiva a i samog kotla 3 Lo i te 4 Liveni segmenti 5 Donja osovina p...

Страница 16: ...00 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 5 Tabela sa dimenzijama Slika 7 Crte sa dimenzijama i priklju c...

Страница 17: ...punjenje i pra njenje D4 Priklju ak za sigurnosnu grupu I sigurnosni ventil pritiska II vod otvorenog sistema D5 Priklju ak za ventil termi kog oticanja D6 Priklju ak za sondu ventila termi kog osigu...

Страница 18: ...kg 655 106 915 100 1073 110 1665 162 2260 180 2800 220 3080 220 DIMENZIJE A mm 680 730 730 850 1005 1260 1260 A1 1355 1787 2080 2395 2945 3456 3455 As 610 610 810 1010 1394 1394 1394 B 1020 1020 1176...

Страница 19: ...lovodni kotao na pelet 2 Cirkulaciona pumpa 3 Nepovratni ventil 4 Zaporna slavina 5 Hvata ne isto a 6 Zatvorena ekspanziona posuda 7 Bojler sanitarne tople vode 8 Trokraki me ni ventil 9 Ventil sigurn...

Страница 20: ...e alje proizvo a u Ako garancija nije ispunjena ona nije va e a Samo kotlovi koji su pu teni u rad od strane ovla enog tehni kog lica podle u uslovima kompletne garancije od dve godine Naredni tekst j...

Страница 21: ...81 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Displej automatike Komandni panel sa injavaju Glavni prekida dugme sigurnosnog termostata displej grupa komandnih tastera dugmi a grup...

Страница 22: ...erom se ulazi izlazi iz Menija Menu Ukoliko menjate pode avanja i pritisnete ovo dugme promene u pode avanjima ne e biti sa uvane NAPOMENA U re imu Isklju en OFF ili u re imu Ga enje mo ete resetovati...

Страница 23: ...armima Prikaz Opis Prikaz Opis Otvoren je priklju ak sigurnosnog termostata tastera za ru no resetovanje Slu ajno ga enje Sigurnosni re im O itavanje sonde van opsega Ne uspelo paljenje NAPOMENA Uklju...

Страница 24: ...Pre same faze potpale titnike skinuti sa lo i ta U ovoj fazi potrebno je ubaciti pelet u komoru za sagorevanje i to radom transportnog mehanizma za pelet pellet feeding system Na taj na in posti emo...

Страница 25: ...og po etka delova od sivog liva Kotao je u fazi potpale sve dok dimni gasovi ne pre u temperaturu koja je odre ena parametrom F18 Prema fabri kim pode avanjima ova temperatura je 50 C Prvo se pojavi d...

Страница 26: ...e pode avanjem doziranja peleta i koli ine vazduha U slu aju da nivo plamena po inje da se spu ta neophodno je da se produ i vreme doziranja ili smanjenje koli ine vazduha Ako elimo da smanjimo toplo...

Страница 27: ...di manje koli ine dima otvoriti klapnu unutar kotla i to tako to ru ku koja je na bo noj strani kotla gurnemo ka dimnjaku tj u polo aj otvoreno Obratiti pa nju na signalne lampice broj 6 i broj 7 Ako...

Страница 28: ...re da pi e OFF Pritisnuti i dr ati dugme Sve dok dr imo dugme transporter radi i nadispleju pi e LOAD PELET START POTPALE NA PELET PREKIDA RADA NA PELET Uklju iti glavni prekida Pritisnuti dugme i dr...

Страница 29: ...adijator rs blinka vent ili blinka pu ili PROMENA JA INE VENTILATORA U RADNOM RE IMU blinka pu blinka vent ili PROMENA ZADATE TEMPERATURE VODE U KOTLU blinka pumpa blinka temp vode PROMENA NA INA POTP...

Страница 30: ...o posle izvesnog vremena nekoliko minuta ipak ugasio Grupa III Kotao je uspe no potpalio i radio nekoliko sati Dostigao je zadatu temperaturu i du e vremena nema potrebe da se uklju uje ni dozirni sis...

Страница 31: ...greja em Postupak za re avanje PROBLEMA 7 Dopuniti nivo peleta Mogu uzrok 7 PROBLEM 7 Preba en je kotao iz automatskog u ru ni re im rada Ako tokom itave faze potpale ne gori lampica za greja onda sm...

Страница 32: ...lamena ivra anja kotla u stanje ga enja Koli ina peleta u fazi stabilizacije se reguli e parametromCL04 Postupak za re avanje PROBLEMA 3 vrednost parametra CL04 na fabri ku ili blisku fabri koj Mogu u...

Страница 33: ...a kotla sve dok ne dobije komandu za start zbog postizanja zadate temperature Vreme trajanja jednog procesa rada transportera i ventilatora odre en je parametrom t05 u sekundama Tokom samog procesa uk...

Страница 34: ...ez sonde u dimnoj cevi nemogu je rad kotla Uklju iti dovod struje u automatiku i dopuniti pelet odnosno neko drugo gorivo do polovine lo i ta To je visina kad gorivo postaje vidljivo gledaju i kroz do...

Страница 35: ...iz razloga razli itih uslova prilikom pu tanja kotla u rad Start rada kotla na vrsto gorivo U slu aju da korisnik eli rad kotla na vrsto gorivo treba odraditi slede e korake U lo i te kotla postaviti...

Страница 36: ...dni vek pu ne spirale koja gura pelet u prostor za sagorevanje Jednom u mesec dana potrebno je otvoriti i gornja vrata za i enje izvaditi turbulatore i sa cevi izmenjiva a ukloniti naslage katrana i a...

Страница 37: ...jevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Slika 17 Prikaz vadjenja turbulatora iz kotla TKAN demonta a livenih s...

Страница 38: ...rakteristike mre nog naponakoji mora biti u odre enim granicama Korisnik mora da se pridr ava navedenih uputstava o kori enju i odr avanju videti ta ku 8 2 Garancijska izjava Izjavljujemo da proizvod...

Страница 39: ...vratima i otvorima za i enje delove elijastog sigurnosnog transportera valvole koji su od sivog i nodularnog liva 5 Garancijski rok ne va i ukoliko se posle svake grejne sezone ne odradi redovan serv...

Страница 40: ...i produ enje servisa mo e da obavlja lice koje alje centralni servis Radijator In enjering a Na nezamenjene delove posle odra enog servisa garancija ne va i Servisni postupak 1 Demonta a silosa za pe...

Страница 41: ...aditi sondu dimnih gasova i o istiti je od naslaga 10 Provera ventilator primara i sekundara i ventilator na ciklonu ukoliko se ciklonkao dodatna oprema nalazi na kotlu 11 Provera dihtovanja gornjih i...

Страница 42: ...46 Radijator In enjering d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs...

Страница 43: ...jator rs TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Important warnings 2 Description of the boiler 3 Installation General warnings Boiler room Connecting to the chimney 4 Cross section of the TKAN boiler with the descriptio...

Страница 44: ...ure higher than 90 C and operating pressure higher than 3 bars It is forbidden to use easily flammable fuels alcohol oil for the purpose of faster combustion of wood It is forbidden to store highly fl...

Страница 45: ...ly flammable materials is 200mm and the same applies to materials of an unknown flammability rate Fire hazard Storing flammable materials and liquids close to the boiler is forbidden It is mandatory t...

Страница 46: ...ng ash is made harder The conclusion is not to use them when combusting huge amounts of wood and just for a couple of days In these situations furnace shields and shields for ash cleaner screws should...

Страница 47: ...e everything into three separate units a silo picture 1 position 4 a loading mechanism picture 1 position 3 and a boiler with a furnace picture 1 positions 1 and 2 A separate assembly within the furna...

Страница 48: ...raljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Picture 1 The representation of the dissasseblable boiler units Pic...

Страница 49: ...llet capacity mm liters kg TKAN 80 606 1020 1736 290 180 TKAN 100 810 1176 1611 305 190 TKAN 150 1010 1456 1875 680 410 TKAN 200 250 300 1394 1830 1822 1600 1000 1394 1830 2130 2330 1500 1394 1830 244...

Страница 50: ...les the supply of pellets into the furnace In case generators are used in case of a power outage also check if the direction of the motor directs pellets into the firing chamber On the contrary that c...

Страница 51: ...devices that the boiler contains should be done according to the valid regulations and the connection is made by a person with the appropriate authorization The connection to the chimney is also condu...

Страница 52: ...er in the boiler room DIMENSIONS Boiler type A mm B mm C mm D mm TKAN 60 100 400 1000 800 TKAN 80 500 400 1000 800 TKAN 100 500 400 1000 800 TKAN 150 500 550 1000 1000 TKAN 200 600 650 1000 1000 TKAN...

Страница 53: ...atures that is not achieving maximum power leading to condensation in the boiler Take into account the necessary minimum space required to access the safety elements and to execute cleaning and servic...

Страница 54: ...such that the line connecting the center of the exiting point of flue gases from the boiler and the center of connection point to the chimney is in a slight rise up to 3 see picture 4 Picture 4 The r...

Страница 55: ...n angle smaller than 12 the height of the chimney above the roof is 1m and for an angle greater than 12 see picture 5 Picture 5 Height of the chimney If you think that the chimney is too powerful and...

Страница 56: ...boiler with the description of elements Picture 6 The cross section of the TKAN boiler 1 Door for firing and ignition 2 Door for cleaning the pipe exchanger and the boiler itself 3 Furnace 4 Cast iro...

Страница 57: ...ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs 5 The table with dimensions Picture 7 The design with dimensions and conne...

Страница 58: ...r D3 charging and discharging D4 safery group I safety pressure valve II open system supply D5 thermal protection valve D6 probe of tie thermal protection valve The design with dimensions for TKAN 200...

Страница 59: ...of the silo kg 655 106 915 100 1073 110 1665 162 2260 180 2800 220 3080 220 DIMENSIONS A mm 680 730 730 850 1005 1260 1260 A1 1355 1787 2080 2395 2945 3456 3455 As 610 610 810 1010 1394 1394 1394 B 10...

Страница 60: ...ic diagram of TKAN 80 1 Hotwater boiler on pellets 2 Circulation pump 3 Non return valve 4 Shut off valve 5 Dirt sifter 6 Closed expansion vessel 7 Hot sanitary water boiler 8 Three way mixing valve 9...

Страница 61: ...the warranty isn t followed it isn t valid Only boilers initiated by the licensed technician are subjected to a complete two year warranty The following text is intended for the user of the boiler as...

Страница 62: ...p www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Automatic controls display The control panel is comprised of The main switch safety thermostat button display group of control keys buttons group of li...

Страница 63: ...enters exits the MENU If you are changing settings and press this button changes in settings will not be saved NOTICE In the OFF mode or SHUT DOWN mode you can reset the Alarm display by pressing key...

Страница 64: ...escription Display Description Turned off OFF Modulation Check Standby Ignition Safety mode Stabilization Shutdown Reignition Alarm system turned off Display Description Display Description Safety the...

Страница 65: ...boiler to the main mains power supply The three phase one is necessary for the doser motor to work while the single phase one is necessary for the dryer fan Load a smaller amount of pellets into the s...

Страница 66: ...ure determined by the F18 parameter According to factory settings this temperature is 50 C Firstly smoke appears and between 7 to 10 minutes flame as well Once flue gases exceed the ignition temperatu...

Страница 67: ...ing and the amount of air In case that the level of flames starts decreasing it is necessary to prolong the dosing period or decrease the amount of air If the level of flames is increasing we can decr...

Страница 68: ...n getting a stronger flame add fuel For the purpose of less smoke open the flap inside the boiler by pulling the lever on the side of the boiler that is into the open position Pay attention to signal...

Страница 69: ...old the While holding the button the feeder is working and the display is indicating LOAD PELLETS STARTING THE IGNITION ON PELLETS STOPPING THE OPERATION ON PELLETS Flip the main switch Press the butt...

Страница 70: ...r screw blinking or CHANGING THE POWER OF THE FAN IN THE OPERATION MODE screw blinking fan blinking or CHANGING THE SET WATER TEMPERATURE IN THE BOILER pump blinking wat temp is blinking CHANGING THE...

Страница 71: ...perature and for a longer time there is no need to turn on neither the dosing system nor the fan this situation is mostly overnight Right after the temperature is dropping and the user wants a higher...

Страница 72: ...during the entire ignition phase the heater light isn t on then the boiler is certainly in manual mode How to solve PROBLEM 7 Switch the boiler to the automatic ignition mode Possible cause 8 PROBLEM...

Страница 73: ...to the shutdown phase The amount of pellets in the stabilization phase is regulated by parameter CL04 How to solve PROBLEM 3 value of parameter CL04 to the factory value or near factory Possible cause...

Страница 74: ...ng until the start command is given due to reaching the set temperature One process of the feeder and fan lasts according to the parameter t05 seconds During the process of initiating the feeder its o...

Страница 75: ...e boiler to operate Supply electricity to automatic controls and refill pellets that is some other fuel up to one half of the furnace That is the height when the fuel inside becomes visible through th...

Страница 76: ...different conditions when starting the boiler Starting the boiler on solid fuel In case that the user prefers the boiler working on solid fuel the following steps should be done Place supports for ir...

Страница 77: ...s into the combustion space Once a month it is necessary to open the upper door for cleaning as well remove turbulators and remove layers of tar and soot from pipes of the exchanger Everything removed...

Страница 78: ...Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs Picture 17 The representation of removing the turbulator from the TKAN boiler disassemblin...

Страница 79: ...ermostat characteristics of the mains voltage which has to be within certain limits The user has to follow the listed instructions on how to use and maintain See point 8 2 Warranty statement We state...

Страница 80: ...of cellular safety transporter valve made of grey and modular cast iron 5 Warranty period doesn t apply unless the regular maintenance is done after each heating season in case of the replacement of...

Страница 81: ...ation date The maintenance and extension can be done by the person sent by the central maintenance department of Radijator inzenjering The warranty isn t valid to unchanged parts upon completing maint...

Страница 82: ...fle gases probe and clean it from deposits 10 Inspection of primary and secondary fan and cyclone fan if the cyclone is in the boiler as the additional equipment 11 Inspection of sealing of upper and...

Страница 83: ...46 Radijator In enjering d o o 36000 Kraljevo ivojina Lazi a Solunca br 6 Srbija tel 381 36 399 140 fax 381 36 399 150 http www radijator rs e mail radijator radijator rs...
