Table of Contents
Features ................................................................................... 2-3
Making Connections ................................................................. 4-5
Operation ......................................................................................6
Using the JR-2 Remote ................................................................6
Linking Multiple Backtracks ..........................................................7
Block Diagram ..............................................................................8
Warranty .......................................................................Back cover
Thank you for purchasing the Radial Backtrack™ stereo
audio switcher. The Backtrack is designed to provide a simple
redundant backup for stereo audio tracks on stage, with optional
footswitch control and the ability to monitor your tracks via
We recommend you take a few minutes to read this short manual
before employing the Backtrack as part of your next performance,
as it covers the various features of the device and tips for setup.
Should you have any questions about the Backtrack, please visit
our website at www.radialeng.com, where we post frequently
asked questions from our customers as well as product updates.
If you still do not find what you’re looking for, feel free to drop us
a line at [email protected] and we will do our best to respond
in short order.
User Guide