VBOX 3iSL User Guide
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Quick-start Guide
For Slip and Pitch measurements
Required equipment (All supplied as standard unless specified):
12V Cigar Lighter adapter lead
VBOX File Manager
2 x GPS & GLONASS ground plane antenna (RLACS156)
Blank Compact Flash Card
Laptop PC (not supplied)
Tape measure
1. Place VBOX in vehicle then mount the GPS/GLONASS antennas on the vehicle roof in-line with the direction of motion, and clear from any obstructions (see
image right).
2. N
ote that any alignment error can be zeroed using the „ALIGN ANTENNAS‟ option on the VBOX Manager.
3. Make sure the antennas are rotated so the wires exit in the same direction as each other.
4. Accurately measure separation distance to the nearest 5 millimetres, for best accuracy measure from the point at which
the cable exits the antenna.
5. For normal operation, place the primary antenna (Socket A) at the rear of the car, and the secondary antenna (Socket B)
at the front. All measurements are made from the primary antenna.
6. If you want to measure slip at the front of the vehicle, swap
the antenna connections and use the „SWAP ANTENNAS‟
feature on the VBOX Manager.
7. Power up VB3i SL.
8. Connect VBOX Manager to VB3i SL port dedicated to Racelogic CAN bus (determined in CAN tab of VBOX Tools
9. Go into SETUP->VBOX->DUAL ANTENNA->SEPARATION and enter the separation of the antennas.
10. Allow the unit time to acquire full satellite lock. The number of satellites in view is indicated by the SATS LED; the total of green flashes indicates GPS
count, whilst an orange flash indicates the GLONASS satellite count. If the VBOX has not used for a long time, or the location where it is being tested has
changed drastically, a GPS coldstart may be required.
11. Move forward in a straight line, in an open area, and the green DUAL LED should turn green to indicate dual antenna lock has been obtained. Once the
DUAL LED is lit (green) you are ready to begin testing.
Note that it takes around 30s-1m to reach full accuracy on the pitch measurement.