RaceAmerica 5842 Wireless SBD Timer
After each race, the timer is locked out for
ten seconds to allow dirt and dust to settle.
T-Link 3.0 identifier codes are preset at
the factory. Using an external Reconfig Jumper
provided with a backup T-Link 3.0 unit, a
T-Link’s ID code can be changed enabling a
single backup unit to replace any unit with the
same optimizer code. With the 5842 T-Link, a
unit can be reconfigured as an ID ‘A’, ‘B’ or
‘C’ unit. To temporarily change the ID code of
a T-Link 3.0 unit, power the unit off. Select the
Reconfig Jumper with the desired ID code and
install into the T-Port of the T-Link 3.0 unit to be
reconfigured. Power on the T-Link3.0 unit. The
left LED will flash three short times to confirm the
T-Link2 unit has been reconfigured to the new ID
code. Unplug the Reconfig Jumper and connect
any cables to the T-Link 3.0 unit for normal use.
Do not power off the T-Link 3.0 unit after a new
ID code has been assigned. The change of ID is
temporary. When the T-Link 3.0 unit is powered
off, the ID code will revert back to the preset ID
shown on the bottom of the T-Link 3.0 unit.
Charge the USB Battery Pack using the
an external USB charger unit. All functional
electronics are disabled during battery recharge to
avoid damage. Typically a full battery charging
will take 6-8 hours. The charger indicator LED
will turn from red to yelow to green when charging
is complete.
Connection to a PC or Timer:
The T-Port is a RJ45 connector with 8
conductors. Viewing the T-Port, pin 1 is on the left
side and pin 8 is on the right side of the connector.
For RS232 serial data communications, pin two is
ground and pin one is data sent from the T-Link
3.0unit. All other pins should not be connected to
avoid damage to the T-Link 3.0 unit.
Figure 2 - T-Link 3.0 power and external connections
Blink RED/GREEN - Power ON
RF Receive Status
Blink GREEN - Receive
Blink RED - Transmit
Align Status
Solid RED - Not aligned
ID Code
e.g. ‘C’
Optimizer Code
e.g. C305