Subject to technical change without notice
4.4.5 Setting the tramline
Using the control system, it is possible to
select whether the tramline counter should
count based on the undercarriage (when
the machine is raised) or based on the
change valve of the marker arm (when the
marker arm folds in). When the tramline
counter is controlled by the undercarriage,
the connection between the switch and the
change valve should be broken (withdraw
the connector on valve 58). When the menu
button is pressed, the main menu appears
). Select option 4 ‘Rabe-Setting’, and
appears. Now select option 6 (0+
select...) in the Settings menu. (
appears. Use the Left and Right buttons to
make the desired selection. If the marker
arm option is chosen, a switch symbol with
a numerical value appears under the screen.
This value indicates how long pressure must
be applied to the oil pressure switch. Use
the arrow keys underneath at the right,
and set a value of 0.5 to 5 seconds. When
the pattern is switched, a blockage interval
of 15 seconds is activated, during which
the control system will not recogise any
impulses for further pattern switching. Now
press ESC to complete the setting. This
stores the value in the control system.
4.4.6 Calibration factors
This is where the calibration factor ‘Weight
per metering wheel revolution’ is displayed.
Fig. 63
) Do not make any changes here!
Be extremely careful when making
changes to working parameters and
factory settings. Note the old and new
values. In this way you can reverse
your changes in the case of error, or
after resetting to the factory settings
you can re-enter your own working
parameters, without having to work
them out again. This description serves
only as information. Apart from the
working width and the ground wheel
factor, it is neither necessary nor
recommended to modify any other
options. Please leave the standard
settings as they are!
5. Further settings:
diagnosis screen
Please do not make any changes here!
This menu screen is intended for support in
the case of a failure.
Time setting
in (sec)
must be
applied to
the marker
arm for 0.5