Distributor of Digi International: Excellent Integrated System Limited
Datasheet of 20-101-0455 - COMPUTER SGL-BOARD ETH BL2010
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User’s Manual
Only the BL2000 and the BL2020 models are stuffed with D/A converters. The D/A con-
verters provide only a voltage output. This means that in order to maintain the maximum
accuracy of the D/A converters, only a small amount of current should be drawn from the
D/A converter output (of the order of µA).
With D/A converters installed, the user has the option of using an unbuffered A/D con-
verter input to read the output of a D/A converter or one of the two fixed voV or
Vcc. The standard BL2000 configuration is for A/D converter channels 9 and 10 to moni-
tor D/A converter channels 0 and 1 respectively.
Figure 19 shows the D/A converter outputs with buffer amplifiers, which may be used to
increase the D/A converter output voltage range to 0 V to +10 V.
Figure 19. D/A Converter Outputs
11 k
10 nF
1 k
34 / 95
34 / 95