How are the Time, Sensitivity and
Photocell adjusted?
• Time Control: Sets the time that
lights will remain on after the Detection
Zone is vacated from approximately
5 seconds to 15 minutes. Use the
adjustment tool provided to turn
clockwise to increase the time.
• Factory Setting: 5-8 minutes.
• Photocell Control: For night only
operation, use the tool provided or a
small screwdriver to turn the Photocell
Control all the way counter-clockwise
(to the moon symbol). For operation in
low level lights, turn the knob all the
way clockwise (to the sun symbol).
Adjust counter-clockwise to have the
sensor come on later at dusk,
clockwise to have it come on earlier.
Hi/Lo Model: Turning photocell
control will show when the sensor
“thinks” the current ambient light
level = night, because the lights will
turn on low at 20% wattage.
Factory setting: Night Only
• Sensitivity: Increases or decreases
the responsiveness and range.
Control Panel:
Turn controls gently. Do not force
past stops.
How Does SmartLantern Work?
Time Control
The SmartLantern
infrared sensor
“sees” small temperature changes
caused by the motion of people or
cars within its Detection Zone and
turns on lights automatically. It
welcomes visitors and may deter
How long do the lights stay on?
Lights remain on as long as there is
movement within the Detection Zone.
In Hi/Lo Model, lights revert to dim.
Once the zone is vacated, lights can
be adjusted to remain on approxi-
mately 5 seconds up to 15 minutes.
The Hi/Lo Model will keep lights on at
20% wattage from dusk until dawn
and then brightens to full wattage
when movement is detected.
Will the sensor detect animals?
SmartLantern may detect large
animals. Having animals trigger the
sensor can give property a “lived-in”
look.You can limit animal detection
by placing opaque weatherproof tape
on the lower part of the lens or using
the bottom mask on the Lens Mask
Kit provided.
What does Manual Override do?
Keep lights on by flipping the wall
switch two times within 5 seconds.
Sensor resets to auto mode at
dawn. No extra wiring needed.
Choosing A Location
Location Considerations:
• Choose a location from which the
sensor can “see” all the parts of
movement that will be illuminated by
its lights.
• SmartLantern may be painted to
blend with existing house color.
Carefully apply masking tape to the
sensor lens or use the Lens Mask Kit
provided before painting!
• Sensor functions best when the
direction of expected movement is
across its detection pattern, not
towards the sensor.
• If wall mounting, locate 5’-8’ high for
optimum range. Lower mounting
height will reduce range.
• The sensor has a “Double Look
Down” Lens with one “Look Out”
zone and two “Look Down” zones for
excellent detection at both long and
close range.
Top View
Look Down 30’
Side View
Detection Pattern:
• Detection extends out a maximum
of 30 feet and is 180º wide.
• To reduce the Detection Pattern
length, adjust the tilt set screw under-
neath the sensor using the hex
wrench provided.
• To reduce Detection Pattern
width, mask the sides of lens with
opaque weatherproof tape or lens
mask kit.
• If sensor is mounted by a doorway
at the top of stairs, be aware that
the elevated mounting height may
extend the sensor’s range.
Tilt Set Screw
Mounting Plates:
To order mounting plates without arm
extender and sensor:
Catalog # Description
DUM1 Straight wall mounting plate
DUM2 Clapboard cut mounting plate
If clapboard or straight mounting plates
are used without arm extender and
sensor, use the white plastic mounting
plate cover to close up the opening on
the bottom of the mounting plate.