Parking Brake before Charging.
To Sweep a Wet Floor.
If you are going to sweep a wet surface, you
should do so with the air system shut off.
Otherwise, the vaccuum fan will pull water into
the filter, making it muddy and hard to clean.
To shut off the air to the filter, open the small
door at the end of the back painted filter
housing (Page 4, Item 12).
Remember to close the air shut-off
door again, when you're back on dry pavement
or you'll blow outdust wherever you sweep.
To Unload Hopper.
When machine stops sweeping well, the hopper
is full.
Turn off the machine. Then turn the shaker
crank handle at the rear of the machine about
ten times. The handle should then be left in the
vertical position. This cleans the filter. Finally,
pull the dirt hopper all the way out of the
machine. It has a handle on each side.
When you put the hopper back, make sure crank
handle is straight up and down - or the cleaning
mechanism will prevent the hopper from sliding
back in.
Watch out for low battery.
NOTE: The Sweeper will shut itself off when
the battery gets too low. Low voltage could
otherwise damage the motors.
A red warning light (Page 4, Item 18) warns you
just before battery is completely discharged.
Don't get caught with a dead battery. Return
back to base for a recharge early. Batteries
vary in their energy capacity. O.E.M batteries
usually offer between three and five hours of
service on a charge.
Side Broom's Circuit Breaker.
If the side broom stops by itself, its protective
circuit breaker has probably tripped. The usual
reason for this is that the side broom is adjusted
improperly and has too much down pressure.
Breaker will automatically reset. See Sidebroom
Adjustment in this book, Page 11.
CRANK should be vertical before
removing or replacing the hopper
drawer. Otherwise, you may break the
safety pin on the crank mechanism.
SAFETY TIP: Recharging
1. Always Turn Off Machine and Set
2. Always Leave the Hood (Lid)
Handle Bar Asm, Not Shown
To Remove The Dirt Hopper:
Underside of Machine
Safety Pin