The DRAKE R-4A is an extremely versatile communication receiver de-
signed to bring you every feature desirable for the ultimate in the
reception of all modes of amateur communications.
It provides a linear permeability-tuned solid state VFO with 1 KC
readability, and premixed injection with crystal controlled high frequency
oscillator for stability on all bands. A 100 KC crystal calibrator is built-in.
An improved passband tuner/filter with four selectivity positions, and
a built-in notch filter are incorporated to provide the desired selectivity
and interference rejection, and a noise blanker is built-in for elimination
of most noise on CW, SSB and AM.
As supplied, the unit gives complete coverage of 80, 40,
and 15
meter bands as well as the 28.5 MC to 29 .O MC portion of 10 meters.
Ten accessory crystal sockets are provided for coverage of other 500
KC frequency ranges between 1.5 and 30 MC such as 160 Meters, MARS
frequencies, WWV, short wave broadcast, etc. These sockets can be
programed to give up to 5 MC of continuous coverage for convenient use
with V. H. F. converters.
The R-4A also includes time proven DRAKE AVC with fast-attack/slow-
release for SSB or AM and fast-attach fast-release for CW. If desired,
the AVC can be completely disabled for CW reception.
Complete AVC action and accurate S-meter indication can be obtained,
on all modes. A crystal-lattice filter following the first mixer provides
excellent overload characteristics by providing selectivity before gain
producing stages.
When used with our T-4 Reciter, transceive operation may be obtained,
and when used with the T-4X transmitter, either transceive or independent
receive and transmit functions are possible.