Controlling Modes
FIFISH PRO V6 Expert supports 3 modes for control: A, S, and C.
A is Attitude mode, S is Sport mode, C is the Combination mode.
Attitude Mode
Attitude mode is designed for beginners. The ROV will not roll in Attitude mode. The ROV
will stay in same depth moving when depth holding is ON. Even with pitch angle, the
depth will be the same.
Sport Mode
Sport mode is designed for skillful pilots. Sport mode will enable the rolling freedom, so,
you will access all 6 degree of freedom of V6 Expert. Controlling and moving based on the
FPV (Frist Person View), do not operate in third person view. The ROV will only stay in the
same depth with no command input, when depth holding ON.
Combination Mode
Combination mode activate the head tracking controlling via FIFISH VR Goggle, which
allow pilot to use the FIFISH VR Goggle to pitch, roll and yaw. Combination mode delivers
the intuitive control and immersive experiences. Combination mode supports head
tracking and remote controller working together.
Accessories Attached
The right wheel will ONLY be working in Attitude mode or Combination mode for motor
driven accessories.
For example, robotic arm, water sampler, robotic fish clamp, and
compass ruler, and sludge sampler etc.
Controlling, Controlling Modes