1-2 Ensure you know the CPE kit are ready for installation
This step is to verify wireless connection between 2 CPE5450, to make sure they can talk each other, It also helps user to
be familiar with the product and prevent any defective item caused by delivery etc. You just need to execute either step
1-2-1 or step 1-2-2. But you could neglect these 2 steps and proceed to step ( 2-1) if you don’t have a Wi-Fi router /cabled
router , and you don’t have computer (PC) or if you think you know CPE well.
Sketch Diagram
1 pair (2PCS)
Wi-Fi router /cabled router
PC (Notebook)
1 set
Ethernet Cable
POE Power Adapter
1-2-1-1 Use Ethernet cable to connect POE port of power adapter to LAN port of CPE5450 (1#)
1-2-1-2 Use Ethernet cable to connect WAN port of CPE5450(1#) to LAN port of Wi-Fi Router