The storage time is not enough.
Possible reasons are as followed:
1 Front vidicon quality is bad. The lens is too dirty. The vidicon is in back
lighting installation.
2 The hard disk capability is not enough.
3 The hard disk is damaged.
The downloading iles can not play.
Possible reasons are as followed:
1 There is no media player.
2 There is no DX8.1 software or higher edition.
3 There is no DivX503Bundle.exe ile to play AVI video iles.
4 The DivX503Bundle.exe and ffdshow-2004 1012 .exe iles must be
installed in the windows xp system.
I can not remember the advanced code or network code in the local
menu operation.
Please contact the local service or call the HQ service. We will offer
the service according the machine type and the program edition.
Under win7 system, IE control can not be automatically download
and installation
A: may cause:
1 Manual install IE plug-in, not as administrator identity installation, lead
to installation does not completely or invalid. The right mouse button
click need to install the control, and then select installation as an
2 Automatic download control of time is intercept system; Can the
computer on the following operation: "start"--" run "input" msconig 'and
then select "tools"--" change the UAC Settings "set for "never notice"
3 Control is antivirus software intercept, when installation can shut off
the anti-virus software, and then install, after the success of the
installation to put us set to trust the control software.
Under win7 system, CMS installation failure, or after installation,
cannot open CMS software control is antivirus software intercept,
when installation can shut off the anti-virus software, and then
install, after the success of the installation to put us set to trust the
control software.
A: may cause:
1 Not as administrator identity installation, lead to installation does not
completely or invalid.