The quTAU GUI is designed to easily perform the most common tasks like showing
the count rate and coincidence rate trend for each channel, saving timestamps to a file,
and displaying different histograms like start-(multi)stop histograms or cross correlation
histograms (
functions). The opening screen is shown in Figure
. A convenient menu
and the different tabs allow a self-explanatory usage of the program.
Figure 8:
The opening screen of the quTAU GUI.
By using the menu (1), timestamps
can be saved to a file, a settings dialog can be opened and additional information can be
displayed. The tabs (2) allow access to the different features of the device. A status bar
(3) at the bottom shows additional information and the state of software and device.
Command Line Interface
The command line interface can be used for some simple tasks as a one-time readout of the
count rates, writing time stamps to a file or saving histogram data. It is mostly intended
as an example, though. To use it, open a Windows command prompt (Press ”Start”, type
”cmd” and press Enter), go to the directory
and call
. Use
the parameter
for additional information.
quTAU/quPSI Manual V4.0 Page 13