5.3 The quCNT Module
Figure 11: Tab for measurement of correlation curves
coincidences is registered with the rst polarizer in the orientation 'H', '+45', 'V' and
'-45' automatically. The data can subsequently be stored on an attached USB drive.
5.3.7 CHSH Measurement
In order to evaluate the CHSH inequality, the coincidence rates for 16 polarizer settings
have to be measured. Again, if the polarizers are mounted in motorized stages this can be
done completely automatically in this tab. Without motorized stages the tab assists the
user in the CHSH measurement: Simply adjust the polarizers for each of the 16 settings
and click the according tab do trigger the coincidence measurement.
Once all measurements are completed, the CHSH inequality is evaluated and the result
is displayed together with an error information. Note that the laser has to be enabled
manually prior to this measurement.
5.3.8 Houng-Ou-Mandel eect
This tab shows up if a motor controller is present when starting the quCR. It enables
an automatic measurement of Houg-Ou-Mandel eect with an optional motoized qu2PI
Please note that the qu2PI motor has to be connected to the third channel of the motor-
driver and that only coincidences of APD channel 0 and 1 are registered.
Four input elds control the measurement:
quCR Manual Version 3.2 Page 16