Wing Build
The first step is to join the spar at the center. Butt
both pieces together and glue with CA. When dry,
glue the 2 leading edge pieces together, then the 2
trailing edge pieces. Now, fit the ribs onto the spar,
then slide in the leading edge and then the trailing
edge. When all pieces are together and the wing is
square you can wick in thin CA into each joint.
Using the 3/32 square stock, glue in the spar caps on
the bottom of the wing as illustrated in the above
picture and the drawing.
After the endcap rib is glued on, glue the trailing edge
1/4x1/8 stock strip to the trailing edge of the wing.
Glue the entire long strip on, then trim it when the glue
sets. The stick is placed on the trailing edge standing
on edge, not flat.
Cut the center rib reinforcements out of the sheeting
and glue between the 2 center ribs.
spar cap