Three different eartip sizes are provided with the product - small green silicone: 12.1 mm, medium blue
silicone: 13.3 mm; and medium black foam: 12.5 mm. It is recommended that earplugs are fitted, adjusted
and maintained in accordance with the following instructions.
Ensure that it is small enough to penetrate the ear canal and provide a secure fit, but is also large enough
that at least two flanges of silicone tips seal the ear canal. In case of foam tip ensure that it seals the ear canal
completely. If the medium size does not provide a proper fit, proceed with the small or large size eartips as
these were designed to fit users for whom the medium size is not suitable. Do not use product if the proper
size and fit cannot be obtained.
Use only QuietOn eartips designed for use with this product. Different tip sizes are available via QuietOn
webshop to help you the ensure that plugs will fit airtight in your ears. Do not insert the earpiece directly into
the ear without correctly attaching it to QuietOn earplug. In order to be comfortable to use, tips are
designed and manufactured of soft material and are not under warranty. Lifetime of Comply foam tips is
some months depending on the usage, new ones can be aquired from Quieton webshop.
After use, turn QuietOns off by inserting them back in to
the case.
QuietOn_userguide_EN_23012018_print.pdf 8 23.1.2018 12:25:54