Trailer Switch Installation
IMPORTANT: Route switch to desired location to
ensure adequate wire length and clearance behind
mounting area.
Cut a
in. (54mm) diameter hole at desired
Thread studs into bezel, tighten securely, but do not
Place switch thru mounting clamp opening and thru
mounting area (from back).
Install switch (lever pointing downward) thru
mounting bezel and faceplate and secure with spe-
cial nut. Tighten securely.
Insert mounting bezel into mounting opening and
install mounting clamp, secure with washer and
nuts. Tighten securely but do not overtighten.
a - Special Nut
b - Face Plate
c - Mounting Bezel
d - Studs
e - Mounting Clamp
f - Washers
g - Nuts
h - Trailer Switch
Neutral Safety Switch and
Power Trim Connections
Failure to connect neutral start safety switch leads
properly could allow engine to start while in gear. If
engine starts while in gear, immediate boat movement
and a hazard to unseated occupants of boat or persons
and property outside of boat may result.
Neutral start safety switches must be connected with
port control module switch to port engine and star-
board control module switch to starboard engine for
correct safety starting feature to function.
a - Trailer Switch
b - To Starboard Trim Pump
c -To Port Trim Pump
d - Starboard Key Switch
e - Port Key Switch
f - To Engine Wiring Harnesses
g - Neutral Start Safety Switch
C o n n e c t Wires Together with
Screws and Hex Nuts Apply
Llquld Neoprene to Connec-
tlons and Slide Rubber Sleeve
Each Connectton
IMPORTANT: When routing neutral start safety switch
harness, secure each harness every 18” (45.7cm). Be
sure that wiring does not rub or get pinched and that it
does not come in contact with water.
Plug trim connections from control into connectors
from power trim units.
a - Trim Harness (From Remote Controls)
b - 2 Wire Connector (Port)
c - 3 Wire Connector (Starboard)
d - Port - Power Trim Pump
e - Starboard - Power Trim Pump
f - To Trim Limit Switch
g - Trim Limit Switch