Mar-2012, Rev 1
925-687-6686 www.quickmountpv.com [email protected]
2700 Mitchell Dr., Bldg 2 Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Low Slope Mounting Instructions
Installation Tools Required: Drill with 7/32'' bit, impact gun with 1/2'' socket, appropriate roof sealant, pencil, chalk line
BI 7.2.3-5
Locate the desired mount placement over a rafter (or cus-
tom wood blocking). Using the base as a template, mark
the two penetration points with either a pen or light drill-
ing. Use two opposing holes on the base plate, parallel to
the structural member.
Drill both pilot holes with a 7/32-inch bit. Make sure to
hold the drill square to the rafter. The lag bolts must be
anchored into a structural member, so it is very important
to hit the center of the rafter with your pilot holes. Fill the
pilot holes with a sealant compatible with that roof.
Prior to attaching the base to the roof, place the grade-8
hex bolt in the bottom of the base and screw the post in.
This is easier than adding the post after securing the base
to the roof. Attach the base/post assembly to the roof with
two lag bolts.
Attach the hardware to the top of the post. (Be sure to
seal off the post from weather exposure with the sealing
washer (item 5), in the interim before racks are installed.)
You are now ready to flash the mount, roof around it, and
attach racking. Aluminum flashings for built-up roofs are
available from Quick Mount PV in 4" and 8" cones (sold
separately). For membrane roofs, be sure to use manufac-
turer-specified flashing and utilize the services of a certi-
fied roofer.
WARNING: Quick Mount PV products are NOT designed and should NOT be used to anchor fall protection equipment.