To put the MICRO-15 into the off mode, hold the ON/OFF key down for five
seconds until the display reads "18:8:8.8". When the key is released, the display
will be blank.
The off mode is not a mode in which the circuits are completely deactivated.
It is rather a very low power mode in which no new data is accumulated but all
accumulated data is retained.
To turn the unit back on to accumulate data, press the ON/OFF key.
The unit is completely off only when the battery is removed.
Reset Mode
To reset the unit and erase all accumulated data, hold down both the
ON/OFF and PAUSE keys for five seconds. When the unit is reset, the display
will show "---- " or ": 0".
The five-second feature is intended to prevent the loss of accumulated data
through accidental resetting.
Press the PAUSE key. Connect a Printer to the PRINT jack and press the
PRINT key.
While the Printer is printing, the keys are inactive. To stop printing, press the
ON/OFF key for 1 second.
The microprocessor based MICRO-15 Noise Dosimeter simultaneously
monitors 15 different noise functions. It can be used as a personal noise
dosimeter, an area monitor, and as a noise survey instrument.
A hard copy printout of all data along with an expansion port for histograms
is provided.
The MICRO-15 measures the following 15 functions:
3 Noise dose percentages with different thresholds and exchange rates
3 Integrated sound levels
2 Time weighted averages Sound exposure level Sound level
Peak level Maximum sound level
3 Elapsed times
The MICRO-15 can simultaneously measure all of the following 15 functions
to check compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
noise regulations and other regulatory standards.
1. Average integrated sound level with 90 dB threshold
2. Average integrated sound level with 80 dB threshold
3. Noise dose with 90 dB threshold
4. Noise dose with 80 dB threshold
5. Time weighted average with 90 dB threshold
6. Time weighted average with 80 dB threshold
Each of the above six functions can be measured with a 5 dB exchange rate
and 90 dB, 8-hour criterion level.
7. Average integrated sound level
8. Noise dose
9. Sound exposure level
Each of the above three functions can be measured with no threshold, a 3
dB exchange rate, and a 90 dB, 8-hour criterion level.
10. Sound level
11. Peak level
12. Slow maximum level
13. Run time
14. Pause time
15. Overload time.
The MICRO-15 can be programmed by internal switches to the following
Any 2 of 6 threshold levels (none, 70, 75, 80, 85, or 90 dB).
4 Exchange rates (3, 4, 5 and 6 dB).
4 Criterion levels (70, 84, 85 and 90 dB for 8 hours).
2 Ranges (50 to 146 dB and 40 to 126 dB).
2 Overload levels (115 or 140 dB on the high range and 90 or 115 dB on the
low range).
2 Frequency weightings ("A" and "C").
8 Identification numbers (0 to 7).
The readings can be taken at any time without destroying or resetting the
data. Even turning the unit off will not erase the internal memory. A water and
dust resistant cover protects the unit against the elements as well as tampering.
The unit is small enough to be placed in a shirt pocket or on a belt with the
microphone clipped to the shirt collar or on the shoulder. It