Template version: 3
E0082/E0083 :
SuperNova LED light full instructions
Troubleshooting Tips
Whilst these lights should give you years of use, you may find sometimes that they have issues.
This is usually down to dirt or debris getting into the connecting parts of the cables, or them
simply not being connected correctly, so these should always be checked and kept clean.
As there are multiple parts to these lights you should always first locate which part is having the
issue as this can make it easier to fix most issues.
If the lights do not turn on.
If you have issues with the light, you need to check each part t isolate where the issue is. Each of
which are listed below :
Remote Control
: First check that the battery is okay by using it in another device, checking it with
a battery check, or by replacing it with a new one. Once this is done check that the remote control
is synced with the light correctly by following the sync instructions below.
: Next check the plugs, by testing the light on both the 12v and 240v plugs. Also check the
socket that it is put into by using another device from the same socket.
Connecting Cable
: if you have purchased more than one SuperNova light then you can also test
the conneting cables by switching them over and testing the light with each cable.
Syncing the remote with the lights.
You can find that the remote control fails to sync with the lights and does not work. If this is the
case first check the battery is okay as this is the most usual reason for this happening. Once you
have checked / replaced the battery to re-sync your remote follow this procedure :
• Note
: The remote control should be used within 5M of the remote sensor. Whilst it may work
further away when synced, the sync process will not work if the remote control is further than
5M away from the sensor.
• Unplug the lights from the mains and leave unplugged for 5 minutes.
• Connect the 240v plug to the 5M connecting cable and the 5M connecting cable to the light.
• Then ensure you have the remote handy and connect the 5M cable to the light. Within 5
seconds of connecting the light press the green ON button on the remote. The light should
then come on straight away. if it does not simply press the green ON button again and this
time the lights will come on. The remote should now control the light correctly.