QuercusVL Programming Manual
StartupTime: timestamp when the unit booted; seconds elapsed since 00:00
hours on the first of January of 1970. It is used to verify that the unit didn't
reboot, due to unknown causes, since the last known reboot.
If the central system receives an answer with the StartupTime, means the
system status is correct, if not incorrect.
4.7.4. IOQuery
Query to receive the status of digital inputs and outputs of the unit.
Type: 35
Message Data: no message data
Type: 67
Message Data:
InputChannels (InputCh): status of the 2 digital inputs of the unit. Each one of
the first 2 bits corresponds to the status of one input, being the least significant
bit for input 0. Possible values: 1 enabled, 0 disabled.
The 30 bits left will be ignored, available for future revisions.
OutputChannels (OutputCh): status of the 8 digital outputs of the unit. Each one
of the first 8 bits correspond to the status of one output, being the least
significant bit for output 0. Possible values: 1 enabled, 0 disabled.
The 24 bits left will be ignored, available for future revisions.
4.7.5. ImageQuery
Query to transfer an image. The image is divided in packets of maximum size 64000 bytes, to
optimize the transfer.
Quercus Technologies