UMTS/HSPA Module Series
WCDMA UGxx FTP AT Commands Manual
WCDMA_UGxx_FTP_AT_Commands_Manual Confidential / Released 7 / 44
successfully, you can delete the file by AT+QFDEL (For more details, please refer to
b) You can upload a file to FTP server from COM port by AT+QFTPPUT too. Then the module will
enter into data mode. You can input “+++” to complete the file uploading.
3) Download a file from FTP server.
You can download a file from FTP server by AT+QFTPGET. The file can be output to COM port
or saved to RAM. If you output the file to COM port, the module will enter into data mode.
4) Get the size of file on FTP server by AT+QFTPSIZE.
5) Get the length of data transferred between FTP server and client by AT+QFTPLEN.
6) Delete a file on FTP server by AT+QFTPDEL.
7) Rename a file on FTP server by AT+QFTPRENAME.
Step 5: Directory operation on FTP server.
1) Set the current directory by AT+QFTPCWD.
2) Create a directory by AT+QFTPMKDIR.
3) List the content of a directory by AT+QFTPLIST.
4) List file names of a directory by AT+QFTPNLST.
5) Rename a directory by AT+QFTPRENMAE.
6) Delete a directory by AT+QFTPRMDIR.
Step 6:
Close connection with FTP server.
Close the connection with FTP server by AT+QFTPCLOSE, and the URC “+QFTPCLOSE: 0,0”
will be reported, it indicates the operation is successful. Step 3 to Step 6 can be repeated.
Step 7:
Deactivate PDP context.
Deactivate the PDP context by AT+QIDEACT=<contextID> (For more details, please refer to
1.2. Description of FTPS
The module support FTPS client. FTPS means all data from control connection or data connection is
SSL/TLS encrypted. The only difference between FTPS and FTP is the AT+QFTPCFG and
AT+QFTPOPEN command.
If module plays as FTPS client, you should do as follows:
“sslctxid”,<sslctxID> to select a <sslctxID>
3. Run AT+QSSLCFG to configure the selected <sslctxID>. For more details, please refer to
4. Log in to FTPS server. The FTPS server has a different port with FTP server, usually the port is 990.
Please make it sure by the FTPS server provider.