GNSS Module Series
L89 EVB User Guide
L89_EVB_User_Guide 23 / 26
5.2. Sending of PSTM Commands
PSTM Commands can be sent by using Teseo-Suite Pro tool. After button is clicked, the following
command input box is displayed.
Figure 18: Command Sending Using Teseo-Suite Pro Tool
5.3. Support Setting for IRNSS Satellite Histogram
The configuration indicates that the IRNSS satellite needs to perform the following operations: 1. opening
the $PSTM statement output; 2. configuring the NMEA protocol for the Teseo-Suite Protool.
5.3.1. Opening of the $PSTM Statement Output
1. $PSTMCFGMSGL,0,1,0x5088535f,0x7ec22018