Quectel EC25 series Скачать руководство пользователя страница 23



Sleep Mode

Power Dow


3.5. Pow

3.5.1. Sle

EC25 is abl
section des UAR

If host com
enter into th




The followin





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Figure 3: UA

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Chapter 3.1

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LTE Module

ser Manua

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The following

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 for details

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Содержание EC25 series

Страница 1: ...EC Us LTEM Rev Date C25 er Module S EC25 A_ 2016 03 A Ma Series _User_Ma 3 28 anu anual_V1 al 1 0 w www quectel com ...

Страница 2: ...zhou Road informatio lesupport as port docum chsupport as MATION AS STOMERS THE INFOR HE INFORM Y LOSS O ATION THE CE ED HERE TABLE REP TILIZATION LL BE HELD OF A PATE ss Solution lConfidenti th timely any headq d Shanghai on please spx mentation spx S A SERVIC REQUIRE RMATION IT MATION CO R DAMAGE E INFORMA IS PROP PRODUCTIO OF THIS D LIABLE F ENT GRANT ns Co Ltd al Release and com uarters China ...

Страница 3: ...Abou History Revision V1 0 ut the y Date 2016 0 EC25 A_Us e Doc 03 28 ser_Manual cume Author Woody WU lConfidenti nt al Release Descriptio Initial ed 2 69 on L EC25 AU 9 LTE Module ser Manua e al ...

Страница 4: ...t res l Diagram n Board face escription nment iption Modes ving p Mode UART App USB Appl USB Appl USB Appl ane Mode pply er Supply P rease Voltag rence Desig itor the Pow nd off Scen on Module off Module Turn off M Turn off M Module d Interface face ser_Manual ards plication lication with lication with lication with Pins ge Drop gn for Powe wer Supply narios e Using the e Module Usin Module Usin l...

Страница 5: ...2C Interfac tion Status Indica of the RI escription formance uideline e iversity Ant Definition rating Frequ rence Desig enna Interfa nstallation nna Requir all the Anten ility and Ra Maximum R pply Rating Temperatu onsumption t Power ving Sensitiv tic Dischar nsions al Dimensio of Recomm of the Modu ew of the M ufacturing uring and W g rence S Coding S S Multi slot E Modulatio ser_Manual ce ation...



Страница 8: ...ncorpor rmation to u h the produ tions given to drivi bile while to an accid reless device rminal or mo tion of wirele with commu ces on boar nabled prior t ss device w sts are des ment al Release s air interfac terface spec ule Associa obile applica ng all phas rating EC25 sers and op ct If not so ing at all tim driving eve ent You mu es while driv obile before ess applianc nication sys ding the ...

Страница 9: ... ch as your tmospheres sfer or stor uch as grain al Release ratingover r onnect in al ile you are i rgency call st be switch tains a trans uency energ ter or other e ive atmosph phone or o includefuel rage facilitie n dust or me ed 8 69 radio freque ll conditions n this condit In order to hed on and smitter and r gy RF interf electric equi heres obey other cellula ling areas es areas w etal powder...

Страница 10: ...rt voice f 29 0mm 2 4 metering tablet PC e ch can be em LTE diversity LTE diversity DMA diversity SM SS lConfidenti pt WCDMA TD es data con MA CDMA fic applicatio he dedicated EC25 series EC25 AUT function wh 4mm EC25 tracking sy etc mbedded in EC25 A B2 B4 Not su B2 B4 Not su GPS G BeiDou al Release SCDMA CD nnectivity on EDGE andG on EC25 con d type base s modules includes Da hile Telemat 5 can ...

Страница 11: ...Max 50Mb D Max 35Mb port 3GPP R port 16 QAM P R6 CAT6 P R8 CAT24 port TCP UD port the prot allenge Han nections and PDU m t to point MO Confidentia pproved by t e equipmen Rules Oper erence and e undesired ures of EC2 3 3V 4 3VT 1 3dB for 2dB for LT 2dB for LT on CA CAT4 0MHz RF ba er MIMO in bps UL 15 bps UL 13 R8 DC HSPA M 64 QAM a HSUPA Ma 4 DC HSPA DP PPP FTP tocols PAP ndshake Au mode O and M...

Страница 12: ...dentia cast ME by default SIM card 1 8 ital audio int AMR WB WB ancellation a function with law μ lawan me sync an and slave m USB 2 0 spe Mbps mmand com debug and Windows XP 6 0 7 0 Linu mmand and up to 92160 d CTS hard console log d rate CDMA Rx d Qualcomm A 0183 3GPP TS ding NET_M tus antenna AN ANT_GNSS 29 0 0 15 4 9g n 35 C ation 40 C ature 45 C mponents ar al Release t 8V 3 0V terface PCM an...

Страница 13: ... block nt e PMIC APT VDD_EXT ser_ManualC diagram of PA 19 2M XO Control Tx Figure 1 Confidentia EC25 and il A Switch ANT_MAIN USB M IQ Duplex PRx Functiona al Release llustrates the B Transce LN N ANT_G USIM P SA Q x l Diagram d 12 6 e major func Baseband eiver NA A GNSS PCM I2C AW Con D L EC25 AU 69 ctional parts d S Switch ANT_DIV UART C ntrol SAW DRx LTE Module ser Manua NAND DDR2 SDRAM GPIOs e...

Страница 14: ...arphone a EC25 A_Us Board develop appl antenna and ser_ManualC lications wit d other perip Confidentia h EC25 Qu pherals to co al Release ectel suppli ontrol or test d 13 6 es an evalu t the module L EC25 AU 69 ation board e LTE Module ser Manua EVB USB e al B ...

Страница 15: ...rface nterface nterface indication Assignm ng figure sho EC25 A_Us cation scription th an80 pin r application rs ment ows the pin ser_ManualC n Inte SMT pad platform S assignment Confidentia erface plus 64 pin ub interface of the EC25 al Release e n ground p es included i 5 module d 14 6 pads and re n these pad L EC25 AU 69 eserved pa s are descri LTE Module ser Manua ds that can ibed in detai e a...

Страница 16: ... 2 Pin unused pins connected to and PCB de ctions are on Confidentia 23 24 25 26 27 68 67 66 65 64 RESERVED PCM_IN PCM_OUT PCM_SYNC PCM_CLK TXD DTR RTS CTS 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 100 101 102 9 99 D Pins n Assignme s unconnect o ground in t ecal nly supporte al Release 28 29 30 31 63 62 61 60 RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED DCD RI STATUS VBAT_BB VBAT_BB 73 74 75 94 98 93 97 91 96 90 95 92 S...

Страница 17: ...nput er output og input og output n drain Description Power supp module bas part Power supp module RF Provide 1 8V external circ Ground Confidentia nition ut output n D ply for seband V V V ply for part V V V V for cuit V al Release DC Charact Vmax 4 3V Vmin 3 3V Vnorm 3 8V Vmax 4 3V Vmin 3 3V Vnorm 3 8V Vnorm 1 8V IOmax 50m d 16 6 teristics C V I p c V I p c t V A P e c L EC25 AU 69 Comment t mus...

Страница 18: ...al data ntial data n round for ply for al Release DC Charac VIHmax 2 1 VIHmin 1 3V VILmax 0 5 VIHmax 2 1 VIHmin 1 3V VILmax 0 5 DC Charac The drive cu should be le 0 9mA VOHmin 1 3 VOLmax 0 4 VOHmin 1 3 VOLmax 0 4 DC Charac Vnorm 5 0V Compliant w 2 0 standard specification Compliant w 2 0 standard specification DC Charac For 1 8V US Vmax 1 9V Vmin 1 7V For 3 0V US d 17 6 cteristics V V V V V V cte...

Страница 19: ...r 3 0V US VILmax 1 0 VIHmin 1 95 VOLmax 0 4 VOHmin 2 5 For 1 8V US VOLmax 0 4 VOHmin 1 3 For 3 0V US VOLmax 0 4 VOHmin 2 5 For 1 8V US VOLmax 0 4 VOHmin 1 3 For 3 0V US VOLmax 0 4 VOHmin 2 5 VILmin 0 3 VILmax 0 6 VIHmin 1 2V VIHmax 2 0 DC Charac VOLmax 0 4 VOHmin 1 3 VOLmax 0 4 VOHmin 1 3 VOLmax 0 4 VOHmin 1 3 d 18 6 V mA SIM V V 45V 35V SIM V 5V 45V 55V SIM 45V 35V SIM 45V 55V SIM 45V 35V SIM 45V...

Страница 20: ... 0 6 VIHmin 1 2V VIHmax 2 0 VOLmax 0 4 VOHmin 1 3 VILmin 0 3 VILmax 0 6 VIHmin 1 2V VIHmax 2 0 DC Charac VOLmax 0 4 VOHmin 1 3 VILmin 0 3 VILmax 0 6 VIHmin 1 2V VIHmax 2 0 DC Charac Voltage ran 0 3V to VBA Voltage ran 0 3V to VBA DC Charac d 19 6 3V V V 0V 3V V V 0V 45V 35V 3V V V 0V cteristics 45V 35V 3V V V 0V cteristics ge AT_BB ge AT_BB cteristics L EC25 AU 69 open 1 8V powe If unused open 1 8...

Страница 21: ...VIHmin 1 2V VIHmax 2 0 VOLmax 0 4 VOHmin 1 3 VILmin 0 3 VILmax 0 6 VIHmin 1 2V VIHmax 2 0 DC Charac DC Charac 50ohm impe 50ohm impe 50ohm impe DC Charac d 20 6 3V V V 0V 45V 35V 45V 35V 3V V V 0V 45V 35V 3V V V 0V cteristics cteristics edance edance edance cteristics L EC25 AU 69 1 8V powe If unused open 1 8V powe If unused open 1 8V powe In master an output s slave mod input signa If unused open ...

Страница 22: ...tin t the modul upply In this DISABLE p on will be inv al Release VILmin 0 3 VILmax 0 6 VIHmin 1 2V VIHmax 2 0 VILmin 0 3 VILmax 0 6 VIHmin 1 2V VIHmax 2 0 VILmin 0 3 VILmax 0 6 VIHmin 1 2V VIHmax 2 0 DC Charac modes refer module has ve data ngoing In th ngand data e entering i s case both pin can set valid d 21 6 3V V V 0V 3V V V 0V 3V V V 0V cteristics rred in the fo sregistered t his mode th tr...

Страница 23: ...onsumption aving proced e via UART CLK 1 to e nection betw RXD TXD RI DTR EADY GND Figure 3 UA will wake up ort RI signa ep state of h Confidentia umption of t e can still r ork normally agement uni not accessib ed n to a minim dure interface t nable the sle ween the mo ART Sleep p the module al will wake host can be al Release the module w receive pagi y t shuts dow ble Operatin mum value du the ...

Страница 24: ... to e h level or kee s connected nection betw VBUS B_DP B_DM EADY e GND Sleep Applic USB will wa t the module B Suspend ume but do ollowing part the module CLK 1 to e h level or kee s connected Confidentia dy for deta Wakeup Fun mote wakeup enter into th nable the sle ep it open d with the m ween the mo cation with ake up the m e will send r Resume an oes not sup t will show t e enter into t nable...

Страница 25: ...DP B_DM EADY GND RI Figure 5 Sl USB will wa t RI signal w USB Suspe end function sleep mode CLK 1 to e h level or kee nection betw B_VBUS USB_DP USB_DM P_READY ule RI GND Sleep Applic Confidentia ween the mo eep Applica ake up the m will wake up end Functio n you should nable the sle ep it open ween the mo Power Switch cation witho al Release odule and th VDD USB USB GPIO GND EINT ation with R mod...

Страница 26: ...o ws the VBA ser_ManualC ower to USB evel match out EC25 pow plane mode inaccessible by default d choice of th nality mode mode by d RF function nction is di necontrol ommand will edicated to T odule RF pa odule baseb AT pins and g Confidentia B_VBUS will shown in d wer manage e the RF fu e This mode driving it to lo he functiona both USIM default is disabled sabled in fi Refer to do not affect G ...

Страница 27: ...o be a single trace shoul nciple the lo 33pF 10pF to the VBAT zener diode owing figure Confidentia n ply for modu ply for modu part m 3 3Vto4 3 voltage drop ks Drop ply Limits d r of about 10 he best com e voltage so d be no les ongerthe VB F are recom T pins In add e of which shows the s al Release Mi le RF 3 3 le 3 3 3V Make su p during tra Transmit burst during Tran 00µF with lo mbination of ou...

Страница 28: ...ed to ence design e maximum MIC IN EN 2 1 K 47K e 9 Referen Confidentia 10 C5 100 uF ructure of t upply rtant asthe ble of provi not too high tage differen o be used as n for 5V inp load current C29302WU OU GND ADJ 3 5 nce Circuit al Release C6 00 nF C7 33pF the Power S performanc ding sufficie h it is sugge nce betwee s a power su put power s t is 3A UT ADJ 4 100K 47K 1 1 of Power S d 27 6 VB VB ...

Страница 29: ...narios g the PWR definition of on ion off the modu e it can be s recommen uire externa t is illustrate 4 7K Turn on th KEY is using protection hownin the fo Confidentia tor the VBA RKEY PWRKEY DC C ule VIHm VIHm VILma turned on to nded to use al pull up o ed in the follo K he Module g a button di When pres ollowing figu al Release AT_BB volta Characteris ax 2 1V in 1 3V ax 0 5V o normal mo e an op...

Страница 30: ...lC S1 11 Turn on n the followi VIL 0 5 100m Inactiv E Inactiv ure 12 Tim ore pulling d Confidentia Close to TVS n the Modul ng figure 5V VIH ms ve ve TBD TB TB ming of Turn down PWRK al Release S1 le Using Ke 1 3V BD BD ning on Mod KEY pin The d 29 6 PWRKEY eystroke A A dule e time betwe L EC25 AU 69 Y Active Active een them is LTE Module ser Manua no less than e al n ...

Страница 31: ...ed to res me between T ser_ManualC sed to turn o e Turn off th e Turn off th e PWRKEY vel voltage down scenar TBD NING ure 13 Tim T Command mandAT Q etails about et the modu Treset_min Confidentia off the modu he module u he module u Y Pin the module rio is illustra Pow ming of Turn d QPOWD to tu the AT com ule You can and Treset_ al Release ule using the PW using comma e will execut ated inthe fo...

Страница 32: ...trated inth ser_ManualC on ription the module r to the PW ET_N 4 7 ence Circui S2 eference Ci he following Confidentia DC C e VIHm VIHm VILma WRKEY contr 7K 4 it of RESET Close to S TVS ircuit of RE figure al Release Characteris ax 2 1V in 1 3V ax 0 5V rol circuit Y 47K T_N by Usin RE S2 ESET_N by d 31 6 tics Co You can use RESET_N ng Driving C ESET_N Using Butto L EC25 AU 69 omment an open dr Cir...

Страница 33: ...UNNING gure 16 Tim en turning apacitance meets ETSI IM Interface Description Power supp Data signal Clock signa Reset signa USIM card i Specified gr Confidentia VIL 0 5V RESETTING Treset_max ming of Res off the mod on the PWR and IMT 20 e n ply for USIM of USIM ca al of USIM ca al of USIM c insertion det round for US al Release RUNNING x setting Mod dule by the RKEY and R 000 SIM inte card rd ard ...

Страница 34: ...nce ard detectio USIM card co 22R 22R 22R 33pF 33 15K USIM_VD Reference nd availabili Confidentia SIM_PRESE r details re gn of the 8 p F 33pF 33pF GND M_VDD 15K Circuit of 8 on function onnector is 3pF 33pF GND DD Circuit of 6 ity of the US al Release ENCE pin efer to doc pin USIM con 100nF GND F 8 Pin USIM keep USI illustrated in 100nF GND 6 Pin USIM SIM card in y d 33 6 It supports l cument 2 nn...

Страница 35: ...conne Groun ecifications ed to be res of USB interf Confidentia ssible to the d VBAT align and the USIM mm to mainta A and USIM is recomme mresistors s the EMI s for filtering the USIM c can improve hould be plac al Bus USB bps and ful SS NMEA s finition of US ription differential d differential d for detectin ection nd please visit served for fi face al Release module As nment M connecto ain the ...

Страница 36: ...rs should be ce design co B signal trace ohm der crystals fferential tra and left side of junction c be less than s close as po a slave dev Confidentia Module NM_0R NM_0R 0R 0R nce Circuit o y componen e placed clo orresponding es as differe s oscillators aces in inne es apacitance o n 2pF ossible to the vice al Release Test Poin ESD Array of USB App nts R1 R2 R ose to each o g with the US ential ...

Страница 37: ...5200 definition ain UART In De O Rin O Da O Cle Re Sle O Tra Re ebug UART De O Tra Re e following t Confidentia main UAR 200 38400 This interfa 0bpsbaud ra nterface escription ng indicator ata carrier de ear to send equest to se eep mode co ansmit data eceive data T Interface escription ansmit data eceive data table al Release RT interface 57600 115 ace can be ate It can etection nd ontrol d 36 6 ...

Страница 38: ...E A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 20 Referenc ore informat anslation circ attention to e module O Confidentia A level tra ranslator TX reference d V Translator ce Circuit w tion cuit is show the direction Output dotted al Release Max 0 6 2 0 0 45 1 8 nslator sho XS0108EPW design VCCB GND B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 0 1 with Transla n as below n of connect d line of the d 37 6 ould be use WR provided 51K 1uF a...

Страница 39: ... both rks as maste pled on the f represents ech codecs pled on the f edge repres 50 duty cyc aw and als nship with 8 p with 8kHz Confidentia V 4 7K 4 7K 1nF 1nF e Circuit wi h baud rate PCM digital master and er only falling edge the MSB In falling edge sents the MS cle PCM_SY so 16 bit lin 8kHz PCM_ PCM_SYNC al Release VDD_EXT 10K VDD_EXT ith Transist s exceeding interface fo slave of the PCM n t...

Страница 40: ...CM a No I O DI ser_ManualC MSB 1 2 MSB Figure 22 MSB MSB 1 2 Figure 23 A definition o and I2C Inte Descri PCM d Confidentia LS 125us LS Primary Mo 125us Auxiliary M of PCM and erface ption ata input al Release B 256 255 B ode Timing L 1 15 L Mode Timing d I2C interfa d 39 6 MSB MSB g LSB 16 LSB g ace which c Commen 1 8V powe L EC25 AU 69 an be appli t er domain LTE Module ser Manua ed on audio e a...

Страница 41: ... erence desig 4 7K 4 7K ence Circui e RC R 2 ce pertaining Confidentia ata output ata frame sy ata bit clock rial clock rial data mmand and K and 8kHz gn of PCM in BCLK LRCK DAC ADC SCL SDA t of PCM A 2ohm C 2 g to I2C inte al Release ync signal k the default PCM_SYNC nterface with MI L Codec pplication w 2pF circuit rface d 40 6 1 8V powe 1 8V powe 1 8V powe Require e Require e configuratio C Ref...

Страница 42: ...etwo No I O DO ser_ManualC o digital con sing AT com ommands p f ADC the tr DC Descriptio General p General p characteristic DC Min 3 3 dication e used to d nd NET_STA status ork Indicato Descri Indicate Confidentia verters AD mmand AT please refer race of ADC on urpose anal urpose anal c of the ADC Typ 15 rive a netwo ATUS The f or ption e the modul al Release C Using AT QADC 1 ca todocumen C sho...

Страница 43: ...H y 125ms Hig following fig Module Network Indicator Reference output for ind r as LED ind the low state Confidentia ationmode e the modul icator gh 1800ms L igh 200ms L gh 125ms L ure 4 7K e Circuit of t dicating the dication circ e Otherwise al Release e network a Low Low Low K 47K VBA 2 2K the Networ module s op uit as below e the STATU d 42 6 ctivity Descripti Registere Others Network s Idle D...

Страница 44: ...lC US Description Indicate the nt design ci VDD_MCU 10K M re 26 Refer risignalty ented on UR ort USB AT nfigured flexi Confidentia n e module ope ircuitof STA MCU_GPIO rence Circu ype physi RC will trigge port and U ibly The def al Release eration statu ATUS you c Module STAT it of the ST ical to conf er the behav SB modem fault behavio d 43 6 Com us Requ can choose e US VB 2 2K TATUS figure RI be...

Страница 45: ...vior can EC25 A_Us the RI Response RI keeps hig RI outputs 1 be changed ser_ManualC gh level 20ms low p d by comm Confidentia ulse when n and AT QC al Release new URC ret CFG urc r d 44 6 turns ri ring Refe L EC25 AU 69 er to docum LTE Module ser Manua ment 2 fo e al r ...

Страница 46: ...g old start open sky Warm start open sky ser_ManualC eiver global naviga Dou Galileo 83 protocol s switched o logy and co NSS perform Confidentia r ation satellit and QZSS and output off It has to nfigurations mance Conditions Autonomou Autonomou Autonomou Autonomou XTRA enab Autonomou XTRA enab al Release te system s ts NMEA se o be switche s please refe s us us us us bled us bled d 45 6 solution...

Страница 47: ... t GPS signa owest GPS utes after los est GPS sig executing c uld be taken en the GNSS card USB i antenna GNSS trace pedance for rence design Confidentia Autonomou XTRA enab Autonomou open sky al value at th signal value ss of lock gnal value a cold start com into accoun S antenna th nterface Ca e and sens rthe ANT_GN n and antenn al Release us bled us y he antenna e at the ante at the anten mmand...

Страница 48: ...uency Operating Tran 1850 1710 824 699 ser_ManualC nterfa main anten ovement an hm ntenna In yantenna pin F Antenna I O IO AI y Frequencie nsmit 0 1910 0 1755 849 716 Confidentia ace nna anRx div nd multipath nterface ns definition Descriptio Main anten Receive di es al Release versity anten h effect an are shown on nna versityanten Receive 1930 1 2110 2 869 89 729 74 d 47 6 nna which is d a GNSS ...

Страница 49: ...NT_ ormance Th NT_MAIN ule ANT_DIV 27 Referenc ween the m by default U rface SS antenna Confidentia _DIVantenna e capacitors R1 C1 NM R2 C3 NM ce Circuit o main antenn Use the AT c pin definition al Release a is shown a s are not mo 0R C2 NM 0R C4 NM of Antenna a and theR command AT n and freque d 48 6 as below It ounted by de Main antenna Diversity antenna Interface Rx diversitya T QCFG d ency sp...

Страница 50: ...n external LD modulewith p ser_ManualC S Antenna O De AI GN requency 575 42 1 02 597 5 1605 561 098 2 tenna is sho VDD 47nH 10R NM 28 Refere DO to supply passive ante Confidentia escription NSS antenn 23 5 8 2 046 wn as below 0 1uF 100 pF nce Circuit y power acc enna the VD al Release a w AN NM of GNSS A cording to th DD circuit is d 49 6 Com 50o Unit MHz MHz MHz Module NT_GNSS Antenna e active an...

Страница 51: ...Inse WCDMA VSWR Gain dBi Max Input Input Impe Polarizatio Cable Inse ith RF Co enna insta L R SMT Confidentia n main anten ments y range 156 on RHCP or 2 Typ ntenna gain enna noise enna gain enna embed enna total g 2 1 Power W edance ohm on Type Ver ertion Loss B5 LTE B12 ertion Loss B2 B4 LTE 3 4 5 Power W edance ohm on Type Ver ertion Loss nnector llation with al Release nna Rx dive 61 1615MH r ...

Страница 52: ...rial connec Figure ser_ManualC ensions of t ctor listed in 30 Mechan Confidentia the UF L R the followin nicals of UF al Release SMT Conne ng figure to m F L LP Conn d 51 6 ector Unit match the U nectors L EC25 AU 69 mm F L R SMT LTE Module ser Manua e al ...

Страница 53: ...etails pleas EC25 A_Us scribes the s Figure 31 S e visit http ser_ManualC space factor Space Facto www hirose Confidentia r of mated c or of Mated e com al Release onnector d Connector d 52 6 r Unit mm L EC25 AU 69 m LTE Module ser Manua e al ...

Страница 54: ...crip VBAT_B EC25 A_Us rical oChar aximum ings for pow able aximum Ra _BB _RF ply Rating Power Sup ption BB and ser_ManualC Relia racter Ratings wer supply a tings Min 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 gs pply Rating Conditio Voltage m Confidentia ability ristic and voltage s ons must stay w al Release y and s e on digital a M 4 5 0 1 2 V V M within the 3 d 53 6 d and analog Max 4 7 5 5 0 8 8 2 3 VBAT_BB VBAT_BB...

Страница 55: ...t pply current ssionslot tection emperat ture is listed emperature Min 35 40 45 nsumptio added in fu Power ws the RF o ser_ManualC Conditio min max voltage d spikes Maximum level on t Maximum level on ure d in the follow e n 5 0 35 5 on ture version output powe Confidentia ons x values incl drop ripple a m power con GSM900 m power con GSM900 wing table Typ 25 n of this docu r of EC25 m al Release ...

Страница 56: ...ns utions that ty must be a orates the mo ws the mod cs Discharg Co 5 4 0 ser_ManualC Power Max 24dBm 1 23dBm 2d tivity ture version arge st electrosta ypically app applied thro odule ule electros ge Characte ntact Disch 5 Confidentia 3dB dB n of this docu atics discharg ly to ESD se oughout the tatics discha eristics harge al Release ument ge ESD in ensitive com e processing arge charac Air Disch...

Страница 57: ...e mechan Dimensi Figure ser_ManualC al Dim nical dimens ions of th 32 0 15 e 32 Modu Confidentia mensi sions of the m he Modu 5 le Top and al Release ions module All d ule Side Dimen d 56 6 dimensions a 2 4 nsions L EC25 AU 69 are measure 0 2 LTE Module ser Manua ed in mm 0 8 e al ...

Страница 58: ...E EC25 A_Us Figure 33 ser_ManualC Module Bo Confidentia 32 0 ottom Dime al Release ensions Bo d 57 6 ottom View L EC25 AU 69 29 0 LTE Module ser Manua e al ...

Страница 59: ...25 A_Us f Recomm Figure d not be des in the modu ser_ManualC mendatio 34 Recom signed ule keep ab Confidentia on Keepout ar 32 0 mended Fo bout 3mm b al Release rea 0 ootprint To between the d 58 6 op View e module an L EC25 AU 69 nd other com LTE Module ser Manua 29 0 mponents in e al n ...

Страница 60: ... View of tom View EC25 A_Us the Mod F w of the M Fig ser_ManualC dule Figure 35 T Module gure 36 Bo Confidentia Top View of ottom View al Release f the Modul of the Mod d 59 6 e ule L EC25 AU 69 LTE Module ser Manua e al ...

Страница 61: ...ing if 10 when 2 hours at fa may be baked jected to hig 25ºC baki rocedure Welding aste on the B The force ass To ensu d be 0 18mm w temperatu To avoid d Confidentia anufa estrictions of 40ºC 90 RH be subjecte onditions of n ambient te actory condit d for 48 hou gh temperatu ng If shor surface of e on the squ ure the mod m For detail ure is 235 damage to al Release acturi f storage con H d to refl...

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