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PC Manager Tool Quick Start
After these steps. GV300 will have some
basic tracking functions like scheduled
timing report and Geo-Fence. For other
advanced functions of GV300 please re-
fer to “GV300 @Tracker Air Interface
Protocol” or visit our website.
Run manager tool. Select correct Com port and in-
put default password “gv300”. Then press OK.
If you want to test the GV300 by SMS then set “Report
Mode” to “SMS” and input the phone number which
you want to receive the SMS from GV300. After that
you can go to
Step 6.
Otherwise please go to
Step 3
Set “Report Mode” to “TCP Short Connection”. input
the IP address and port number of the backend
server. Please make sure the IP address can be ac-
cessed by internet and the data sends to this address
can be received.
Please contact your SIM card provider and get the
APN information for GPRS. Input it in GTBSI set-
Press the “Send” button and update the pa-
rameters of GV300. Then the GV300 can re-
port information to your backend server or
SMS receiver.
Note: These commands can also be sent to
GV300 by SMS.
Command has been accepted when you see the
success window.
Set the parameters of scheduled fixed timing re-
port so that the GV300 will report it’s position to
backend server period periodically. Press
“Send” button to update the parameters.
Follow screen shot shows how to configure the
GV300 to report it’s position every 3 minutes.
The following screen shot shows how to create a
Geo-Fence rule. Press “Send” button to update the