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           Bluetooth To Rs-232  

Quick Installation Guide   


1.  The converter plug power adapter and connect to pc com 1 (Com port Selectable). 

2.  Run the BT1 program ( BT RS232 Config Tool V 1.00 ). 

3.  Press the right top connect button of the BT RS232 Tool and press the near side 

button of the Bluetooth converter then get into set up mode. 

4.  When the left under read button turn into black color. It becomes set up mode ok. 

5.  Press the read button of the BT Tool. You can read converter default parameters. 

6.  Change the parameters information then press right under write button of the BT Tool. 

You can save the parameters information into Bluetooth converter. 

7.  Trun off the power of converter , close the BT Tool program and then turn on the 

converter again. If pair connect each other ok ( the green LED will light all the time ) 

then Bluetooth converter enter transmit data mode.   

8.  If converter can not pair , Press the near side button of Bluetooth converter for pairing , 

if pairing ok , the converter get into transmit data mode. 

9.  After become transmit data mode, the red and green light will light all the time. 



DSUB-9 PIN definition 

                  Pin 1> NC                                          Pin 6> DTR (data output) 

         Pin 2> TXD (data output)        Pin 7> CTS (data input) 

         Pin 3> RXD (data input)         Pin 8> RTS (data output) 

         Pin 4> DSR (data input)         Pin 9> DC 5v power (in) 

                  Pin 5> GND                                     

Default Value : 9600,N,8,1



Remark :    RX / TX    had been CROSS OVER      PIN code :1234

